Part Seventeen: Affirmations & Ardent Actions

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You spent that night in Harry's sheets. Kissing him and cuddling him. You chatted and giggled, got to know each other even more, and fell even deeper into the abyss of your attachment for one another.

When you woke in the morning, you were both blissfully unaware of the pictures that had been taken of you in the club last night. A few of them were taken, all with you and Harry wrapped around each other. Dancing. Kissing. They'd been spread all over social media for millions of people to speculate.

Harry's bare chest was pressed against your back, rising and falling with each deep breath. It was a soothing thing to wake up to, showcasing his trust in you and even more the fact that he loved being near you. Even in sleep, he was continuously pulling you closer and closer to him. He was the sweetest.

You turned and nuzzled your face into his neck, breathing in the scent that was purely him with the underlying smoky vanilla. You hummed and kissed the soft skin of the area before targeting the sharp line of his jaw, lightly stubbly and it made you shiver, remembering how it felt between your legs last night. Harry stretched his body wide before softening and encasing you in a tight embrace.

"Mornin," His voice was deep and raspy with sleep as it traveled from his lips and into your hair.

"Mmm, good morning." You left dozens of kisses across his skin and he was happy to lay back in his bed and let you spoil him. He loved having your full attention and was especially loving that your attention was dwindling south, kissing his stomach and nearing his abdomen. You crawled back into his inviting arms, resting your face in the nook of his neck.

His green eyes were warm as they regarded you, sparkling with ignited with lust as he pondered his thoughts.

"Where is one place you really want to go? Somewhere you've never been."

Your head tilted in thought, "Uh-"

"Don't think about it. Quick. The first place that comes to your head."

"Okay, probably Venice."

His brow raised. "Really? You've never been to Venice?"

"Nope. I've been all over Italy just not there."

Harry jutted out his lower lip. "Hm."

"What about you?"

Harry's expression changed to something devilish, a smirk playing on his lips. His fingers traced down the front of your body. Your gaze lulled as his fingertips brushed your nipples through your silk camisole, down the plane of your stomach, and to the heat in between your legs. He cupped your center in his palm and singled out his middle finger, adding pressure and pulsing it against your entrance.

"Right here, darling."

"You've been there."

"Not fully."

The shrill ringing of Harry's phone interrupted. He grabbed it, checked the caller I.D, and cleared his throat. "Hey, mum."

You heard a soft voice on the other end, Harry's stretching his lean body as he listened, nodded, and then said goodbye. "Drive safe." His eyes flickered to yours. "My mum's on her way to London."

"That'll be nice. Do you see her often?"

"Not as often as I'd like." He shrugged. "She's so supportive, though. Couldn't do this without her."

"It's so important to have a good relationship with your family."

"Definitely. Are you close? With your family?"

You shrugged. "Yeah. My parents are workaholics and my brother is always traveling but we make it work."

Harry smiled but it fell quickly as he cleared his throat. He was insanely nervous at the idea of even asking you but he needed to know. "Would you want to meet my mum?"

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