Part Thirteen: Pinstripe Suits & Preshow Surprises

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You dreamed of him. Of his vividly smoky voice and the river of dirty sentiments that flowed from his raspberry lips. Of his toned body and the scattering of tattoos that adorned it. Of his frantic demeanour while he touched himself, and his soft malleable embrace when he was cuddling you.

He was running through your mind day and night as it was. Drowned your thoughts during the day and subjected your every dream when you fell asleep. The fact was intensified by last nights activities. It was haunting you now that you'd felt his fingers on your thigh, on your sensitivity. The same fingers that wrapped around his hard dick and made himself come for you.

A shrill ringing interrupted your fantasy and you woke but kept your eyes closed to hold onto your sleep. His warm body moved against yours with a groan as he reached behind him to grab his phone off the bedside table. Harry checked the caller ID and pressed his lips to your soft cheek.

He left the room quietly, not wanting to disturb you as it was still quite early even for a work day. He made his way into the lounge and perched on the spacious window seat. He rubbed his tired eyes as he swiped his phone to answer.

"Hey mum."

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Anne's voice was gentle and had always soothed him.

"Yeah good. Been busy but all is well. How about you? You still set to come down next week?"

"I'm well, love. And of course, I'm looking forward to it. I actually just wanted to ask you about something."

Harry's brows shot up, "mmhm?"

"I know you're quite private," Anne started. "And I don't mean to pry and you know I hate reading those things they write about you on the internet. But I saw some pictures the other day... of you, in a park with... a woman."

"Oh." Harry sighed and blinked a few times. "Yeah. Uh, she's a girl I've been hanging out with."

"Like... a friend?"

"I mean, we're just taking it one day at a time, currently. She's, uh... she's lovely."

"Well, I'd love to meet her."

Harry chuckled at that. "Of course you would. I'll see what I can do." You emerged from your bedroom with a fatigued walk, your fists rubbing at your eyes in effort to wake yourself up. "Hey, I gotta go but I'll see you next week, okay? I love you."

"Alright. I love you, poppet. Good luck for tonight."

Harry ended the call and made his way to you. You were setting up your coffee machine to fix a pot before he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

"Good morning, petal."

"Petal?" You smiled widely at the endearment. And he hummed at your acknowledgment."Hi," You simply leaned over and pecked his stubble dotted cheek. His skin burned at the touch.

"Got a show tonight. You still able to come along?"

You span in his hold and threw your arms around his neck. "Heck yes, I'm so excited."

He flexed a dimple. "You've not seen me perform. Not properly. Nervous now."

You pecked the tip of his nose, "Don't be nervous, you're gonna kill it. And I've seen you live before, silly."

This was news to Harry. "I- what? When?"

"Like three One Direction shows." You wrinkled your nose with your confession.

He let out a cackle. "Oh wow. We have a super fan over here. Was I your favourite member?" His teasing was adorable.

"Meh... think I liked Liam better." You joked. You both knew it was a lie.

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