Part Thirty-Six: Salacious Savouring & Sleepy Confessions

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As if falling asleep with Harry's touch on your skin wasn't already perfect enough, he'd decided to wake you up with it, too.

Your mind, pulling and wading through a dreamland of sunflower fields, hotel rooms in Venice, purple flowers tucked behind ears, was ripped from such a fantasy. It was replaced by a wet hot euphoric sensation that started boiling in the pit of your belly and tingling warmth in your toes.

With a gasp, you finally understood what was happening upon curls tickling your inner thighs. You gripped them with a firm fist, rolling your hips up to the mouth that was so feverishly tasting you. Your green-eyed alarm clock stared up at you as you finally awoke on his tongue.

Harry groaned against you when you pulled his hair, prickling pain sparking his drive to make you feel good. He nibbled and sucked on your clit before driving his tongue downwards. His hands melted underneath you, meeting at your lower back to lift you into a soft arch against his mouth.

His tongue flicked your rare entrance. It was safe to say he was obsessed with the newly explored territory and all that it promised.

Tell me you'll let me have it one day.


Pulling his attention back to your throbbing clit, he circled the bundle of nerves, spelling out his love and dedication with the tip of his tongue while you writhed on the bed for him. You turned your head and bit the pillow, silencing moans that you couldn't control.

You came soft but fiery, his touch sending you over the edge of a waterfall that roared with glistening bliss. Careening downstream and plunging into a pool of earthshattering ecstacy. Wetting his chin with the force of your orgasm.

Harry came up to the bed next to you with a cocky smirk, wiping your arousal from his mouth with a soft moan.

"Morning, pretty girl."

You breathed out a satisfied sigh, offering a lazy smile and hugging yourself to him. He could feel your body quivering with the aftermath of your orgasm, tingling in your fingertips as they shook against his chest.

"Need to talk to you about something real quick." He informed quietly and your stomach dropped.

"Is that why you took it upon yourself to be my alarm clock?" You narrowed your eyes.

He grinned. "Maybe. You also taste incredible in the mornings, especially when I've had you the night before."

You sighed, bringing the covers up and hitching them up to your chin as if to shelter for what was to come. "Just tell me."

"Alright, grumpy. Settle down, it's not that bad."

The pout didn't leave your lips. "Lay it on me."

"It's about my schedule..." He began.


"Just... I'm insanely busy over the next few months. They've got me all over the place doing appearances and shows." He sighed and you hated how shaky it was. "It's going to be mental with finishing up my album, and it only gets more hectic post-release and I guess I'm just struggling and I want to give you as much warning as I can. There are times when I fly out so last minute I forget to bring my wallet. I just want you to know that I'm going to try my best to make this work. It'll be hard with time differences, and I'll be in a new place every other day and I get stressed and annoyed... I'm just terrified of being away from you and don't want you to think I'm not prioritising you."

He was laying out his fears to you, as he had done a million times before. And every time he had, you'd been so quick to soften his anxiety with your understanding nature. But he was telling you it would be different this time. His label was expecting his album in a few months and the time coming up to a new release was always the most stressful for him.

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