Part Thirty-Four: Engagements & Exasperating Encounters

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The unmistakable ring tone of your phone rang out as you were finishing up your dinner after a long and tiresome shift at work.

Max Thompson was a very intense client to work with. While he hadn't progressed with any more advances aside from a few side glances, your only complaint was that he was putting your brain through the wringer. He was demanding of the vastest event themes and was a perfectionist so your thoughts worked double-time to offer more unique concepts.

You quickly reached for your phone, seeing it was your close friend Matt requesting a FaceTime. You swiped it open and immediately cringed away at Matt and his boyfriend Jack yelling your name in a very loud greeting manner.

"Hey, lovebirds." You grinned once they'd settled down a little. They were clearly a couple of drinks deep and were giggling up a storm.

"How are you, sweetie?" Jack asked you, pushing Matt away and keeping his attention focused on you.

"I'm good. Busy but good." She brushed off, the two obviously very excited and whispering to each other.

"You tell her!" Matt pointed at his partner.

Jack clicked his tongue. "She's your best friend, you tell her."

"Okay, fine we'll say it together."

"We're engaged!" They sang in unison.

Your hand flew up to slap over your mouth in shock. You let out a loud squeal of excitement. "Oh my god, you two! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you. We've wanted this for a long time and we thought- why wait?"

"I'm so excited, you must be over the moon." You gasped. The couple had been dating for around six years and you couldn't wait to see where this adventure would lead them.

Matt blew you a kiss. "We're having a little celebration in two weeks. Dress cute and bring that man of yours."

Over the next week, you'd barely found a spare moment to breathe between all of your patrons. You were up to your elbows in work. Clients were pulling you every which way, your talents were required endlessly and you had never been so exhausted.

Harry had been working hard in the studio, with writing sessions every day that week. He'd had a few recording sessions but wasn't feeling what he'd sang so he went straight back to his trusty leather journal. The worn diary was overflowing with lyrics and smatterings of words he'd race to jot down as soon as they became thoughts.

The two of you found yourselves free on Saturday, opting for a night in at your apartment. You were both in desperate need of relaxation because of how busy your careers had you. Harry had let himself in with the key you'd given him, while you were soaking in a much-needed bubble bath.

He stripped his clothes off and slid in behind you, his large legs resting on either side of yours while he pulled you back against his chest with a soft noise of joy.

His hands wrapped around your body with a squeeze. "Hiii... Missed you, little one."

He kissed the back of your neck, tracing his finger along the spirals of hair that had escaped from your hasty messy bun, wet and decorating your skin in swirling patterns.

"I missed you." You breathed out as his hands smoothed down your body, a path dragging up and down the expanse of your stomach and your thighs. You lulled your head back against his chest with a content sigh, feeling jovial to be in his tenderness after not having it for a whole week.

The bubbles sheathed you both in cordiality, but nothing was as soft as the fervor you emitted for each other.

"Tell me about your week."

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