Part One: Cherry Lips & Cocktails

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You had never experienced an aura quite like his. One that had a physical pull that ensnared everyone in wonder and adoration. He was that kind of person who you wanted to like you. His acceptance was an unworldly honor. He saw everyone, truly saw them, and listened intently to everything they had to say. Appreciated and welcomed anyone without judgement. His incandescence was unique and out of this world and you bathed in it whenever he was around. Like you orbited around him and he ensured you were in sync with him, like two threads entwining together until they were one.

Harry liked eye contact. A lot. Whether he was having a conversation at dinner or had his head between someone's thighs. Eye contact was important. He wasn't a cocky person, which he'd been told was a shock as most young men who start out early in his industry as he did usually become so egotistical they'd think it's a personality trait. Harry had met many people like this, in fact, he found people actually behaved like this especially around him. Always trying to out-do him or prove to him they were important.

He liked to think he'd stayed grounded, although he was often enthralled in the extravagant aspects of his life, he was never shallow enough to fall headfirst into a pot of partying every night, having the fame buys everything mindset, buying excessive amounts of estates as many of those around him did. He'd secured a few expensive hobbies and matured quite a lot since he'd first started out in the band all those years ago.

And with his first single album and a movie debut under his belt, his drive and taste for more only ripened every day. He had solidified a great group of friends, he was keeping an even balance between work, family, and friends. He jumped between L.A and London most of the time, which kept him satisfied with the contrast of the two cities. He liked the familiarity and comfort of London. It was where he spent most of this new life, where most of his friends were and his favorite house sat on the soil in North London.

But Los Angeles.... Los Angeles excited him. She was different, flowing with open people and open opportunities. She was his mistress.

He was in London for now, finding it rewarding to hear his friend's congratulations and praise on how he was doing career-wise. He was thriving, just finished with tour, and had a few performances peppered throughout the next few weeks before he planned to escape to L.A for a while. He needed some sun, for his skin to tan and to drink endless cocktails and maybe start seeing someone, something casual.

He needed to get lost in something for a while to numb his mind, to quiet down the incessant noise that came with restlessness. He knew he needed a break but his fingers itched to pick up a guitar and create. He had become such a private person he used his music to express his pain, his love, his longing.

He was attending a gallery opening in Chelsea when he first saw you. And he could feel how warm and genuine you were from across the room and he knew he had to get your attention. You were surrounded by a large group of viewers, talking about a painting and he was entranced by the way your lips moved when you talked, caressing every word, how when you smiled it pulled at something in his chest.

You donned an oversized tan plaid blazer with matching pants. When he spotted a tight-fitting black crop top that offered the smooth line of your stomach he just about keeled over. As soon as he eyed the tall black pumps adorning your feet he knocked back his glass of champagne in one gulp with a following grimace.

He dotted around the gallery, spouting greetings to everyone, praising the artists and the curators for their work. His eyes seldom left you all night, peeking over and trying not to be disheartened when he found you busy every fucking time he looked. He had downed more champagne but remained in tune with events around him, staying aware and listening to artists explain their pieces with a depth and emotion he admired. He felt the same when he discussed his album.

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