Part Forty-Eight: Harrowing Memories & Heartbreaks

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You were attending a gallery opening in Chelsea when you first saw him. A gallery of four walls that shrined the best work of a very accomplished friend of yours. Given your talent, your love of art, and your deep understanding of said friend, he only saw it fitting to have you attend and coach the night.

Stuck in an anything but riveting conversation about paint textures, you tried your best to come across as enthusiastic and professional. Your eyes then found his tall frame, allowing a brief exploration of his long legs and his jeweled fingers, his smooth curls, before you were snapped out of your daze.

You were aware of him all night. Sneaking quick glances at him as you dotted around the venue and talked to important connections in the industry as well as friends.

He was observing you, and you could tell. You could feel it prickle your skin in awareness and you were stumped by the sensation. You were no stranger to the hot gaze of another person but with him it was electrifying. You could sense it in every fiber of your being, your blazer too hot around your torso, the heat of his gaze too much to handle.

You had felt more solidified lately. You could feel your career taking off and you were focused on your one priority in life: you. You were bettering yourself, solidifying who you were as a woman, and learning to love yourself. It was proving to be successful. Your presence filled a room, everyone adored you, wanted to be a part of the conversation you were in, and hear what you had to say.

It's crazy that what started as a little staged confidence became as real as the air around you. You were on your own journey, trying to live in the moment and put yourself first while you did it. You'd been hurt many times trying to be a people pleaser, so you put your foot down. 

Cherry heels firm in the sentiment that you were your priority before anyone else.

But, as they say, life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.

You met him. And you were so dazzled by his existence that you didn't even notice how detailed you'd become from your goal. You became consumed in each other so fast, no matter how hard you tried to keep him at arm's length, the universe persisted and merged your souls together. Made it impossible to be without him no matter how hard you fought the inevitable.

You'd like to think that you fell in love with him on the first night. When you'd ended up in the back of that car on the way to celebrate Evans's event. Of course, you knew who Harry was, and admittedly, you were a bit intimidated.

But then you ended up next to him and you could sense how almost nervous he was to be around you and it clicked. He was a normal person. He was reserved but wanted to be loud with how much he loved. He was soft, well-spoken and so endearing.

Talking with him quickly became your favourite thing to do. It was easy and addictive. He flirted with you and you flirted right back, but there was a sense of something that was underneath the conversation. A deeper potential of how perfect you could be for each other.

He'd admired your outfit all night, your cherry heels, your bright red lips, and your soft nature. How bold and confident you were, breaking the ice and proposing that you order each other's drinks.

"Why a cherry?"

"I just like the colour. The taste."

It was hard to miss his infatuation with you. The way his gaze lingered on your lips or your exposed midriff. How his eyes were piercing through yours it was like he could see right into your mind. And maybe he was trying that hard to figure you out.

For a while, you didn't let him. You kept him at arm's length while you tried to focus on yourself. There was as much hurt as there was excitement in the early days of your relationship. Kisses with exes, dinner with the past, forgotten mistakes. All decisions that you both wish you could diminish from being made.

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