Part Twenty-Two: Hotel Rooms & Holographic Realizations

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Your heart melted at his query, opening your door wide to let him in.

"Want a pamper session?" You asked and Harry refrained from scooping you up in his arms and declaring himself done for over you. He was well and truly loved up. All his thoughts were sunflowers and cherry hued.

Harry was an especially soft and precious being by the time you had settled him in your abode. You had laid out skincare products and one of those face masks for him while he stripped down to his briefs and dressed in another t-shirt of his that had somehow ended up at your house.

He gasped in shock, throwing you an accusing glare, "Did you steal this, miss?"

You held your hands up, "I swear I have no idea where that came from or how it ended up in my t-shirt drawer."

"Mmhmm." He hummed in disbelief and shook his head with a smirk.

He was only teasing you, of course. You'd stolen his heart, soul and every thought he had. This worn old band t-shirt was the least offense he had to concern himself with.

Laid on his back with his head in your lap, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face, his hands resting on his stomach and drumming along to nothing because he was always fidgeting in some way with those hands of his.

You applied the face mask and brushed through his curls with delicate fingers while you told him about how the atmosphere at work was now you had the added security. Harry had still felt ill about the whole situation, but after seeing you moved on from the situation he convinced himself to do the same. Most of his hurt had diminished and he felt far more relaxed about it all after you telling him that all was well.

You were magical like that, a calming cup of warm milky tea with a golden heap of honey.

He kept cupping your face and bringing you down for kisses every five seconds. He really melted your heart into a ball of goo that he molded in his palms, forming it into his own unique version of love and acceptance and comfort.

"These next few weeks are gonna be crazy," Harry warned, humming as your fingernails scratched his scalp like he was a needy little puppy.

"My busy man." You leaned down and kissed him again.

He breathed out a laugh but then his tone got serious. "Kinda freaking out about it." He remained calm but wanted to be open with you about this whole thing.

You frowned at his switch in gears to talk about his schedule and straightening up, giving him your full attention. "Why are you freaking out?"

"Just think we've had it so good and been able to see each other heaps and that's about to completely change. I've got studio sessions almost every day and I'm traveling all around the place.. Barely gonna be in London until that third week, events pending. Just don't wanna be away from you."

"We can find time to talk to each other, baby. It'll be alright."

He looked at you and it was then you could see the genuine worry in his eyes. "Can we? You're about to be super busy, too."

"Yes, we can." You assured him, realizing this was a genuine fear of his. "There's nothing we can do about how busy we are. We'll take it day by day and do what we can. It'll be hard and we'll miss each other but it'll mean that when we do find that time, it'll be even better and we'll make the most of it. You can't get worked up over this, H. All we can do is our best."

He sighed, his anxiety subsiding as you talked sense into the situation. You were right, all either of you could do was your best.

"We'll both be so busy working our asses off, it'll fly by. Whenever you need me, call me. And when you miss me a little too much, just imagine I'm there with you." You peeled the face mask from his skin, seeing it glistening with the serum the flimsy material was infused with.

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