Part Fifty: Flowers & Forever

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"Stay." You mumbled.

Harry chuckled. Even though you were half asleep, your hands held onto him tightly with a strength he found impressive. The sun streamed through the window and washed over your body, wrapped up in the sheets of your hotel bed.

You'd fallen asleep next to each other, melted into one with how close you held onto him. He kissed you every time he woke up, soft pecks to your forehead and cheeks and nose. Just so happy to be with you and be sleeping by your side again.

He didn't want to leave you. You were especially soft and needy in the mornings and he'd missed his grumpy girl so much. And here you were, clinging to him and begging him not to go.

"I have to leave, little one."

"Five more minutes." You pouted. Any resolve he had almost shattered at the sight. He flicked your lower lip with his finger.

"No can do. Gotta get back to my hotel, pack, catch my flight-"

"Just one more cuddle, please."

He groaned playfully, crawling back towards you on the bed. You smiled big, humming and scrunching your hands out at him as he came closer. He came over you, wrapping his arms around you while you nestled into him. He felt so fucking good and you'd forgotten how addicting he was to cuddle.

"Okay, I really have to go."


He didn't want to push you by asking beforehand, so hearing you ask for one was enough to ensure he had a good day. There was no way he couldn't when it began with you. The kiss was delicate and toe-curling, tongues meeting, bodies fusing together. Yeah, he really didn't want to leave you. It took harnessing of every ounce of willpower he had to do so.

Harry wasn't sure what to expect the next night when you texted him your address. An address that wasn't at all familiar to him. He was a little baffled, obviously, that you'd moved. Given the fact that you had so much to talk about in Athens, it was a wonder that it hadn't come up in conversation. There was, however, a part of him that wondered if you hadn't told him because you simply didn't want him to know and press further until you were sure about him.

So he'd done a little prep before he headed over. After a brisk shower and spending way too much time over his hair and his outfit, he made his way to your new abode. The apartment building was flash. He was impressed, admittedly. He was also insanely proud of you. Of how far you'd come and how hard you'd worked to get to where you were.

When you opened the door to let him in, you jutted out your lower lip and fawned over the sight of him. He was stood before you, dressed laid back and soft, with a bouquet of sunflowers in one hand, and a bottle of champagne in the other.

"Happy house warming?" He offered with a cheesy smile.

"Oh, you didn't have to." You gushed, letting him inside and taking the flowers.

"I wanted to."

He placed the champagne bottle on the counter, smiling when you gripped his sides to bring him into you. "Thank you."

"Mm, flowers deserve a kiss."

He had some cheek, this man. You smirked, leaning up on your tippy-toes to press your lips to his. It was too short for his liking and he didn't hide his displeasure at it.

You laughed, cupping his cheek to give him another one. "So does the champagne."

"I'll bring gifts every time I see you if this is the thanks I get."

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