Chapter Seventeen - [Madison.]

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I felt myself squirming a little bit under his gaze.

“Emmett,” I said, my voice a little bit more high pitched than I had intended it to be. I took in a deep breath. “You’re back." 

“I got in about a half hour ago. Do you know him?”

His eyes darted towards the door in which Thomas had just left. I was unsure what the animosity was between the two of them, but it was clear they had some sort of history. And it wasn’t a good one.

 “I don’t. He just sat down across from me. Seems kinda off.”

“He ain’t a good guy, Charlotte. Stay away from him.”

It wasn’t a request.

“Of course.”

My food had arrived, and when the waitress walked away I had realized I had forgotten to ask for ketchup. I spied some at the next table, and stood up to grab it. When I turned back to sit back down Emmett was staring at me.

“You’re um…your…” He stammered.

He wasn’t looking in my eyes, but instead at my belly. When he left, there was barely anything in my belly. Now, it had expanded and it was obvious that I was pregnant. It must have come as a bit of a shock to him.

“I just saw you less than three weeks ago…”

I put my hands on my stomach, smiling at him.

“It can grow very quickly sometimes.”

“Do you know if the baby is…”

He was obviously very nervous, and I sat back down.

“A boy or a girl?” I asked, and he nodded. “Not yet. In two weeks I’ll find out.”

“How have you been doing, Charlotte?”

The anger that had been in his eyes was gone. Now there was a worry I hadn’t seen in him before that appeared from the moment that he saw my belly. He was scared. I smiled at him reassuringly. 

“I’ve been perfectly fine. How is your friends house?”

“We managed to fix all of the damage.”

There was a long, stretched sort of silence. His jaw was still clenched a little bit, as if the anger from Thomas being here hadn’t subsided. I wonder what was going through his mind. What had happened in the past that made him hate Thomas so much.

I decided not to ask him. Not to press it. If he wanted to tell me, he would.

We made small talk for a while, and for some reason I found myself more shy after not seeing him for nearly a month. We parted ways, with him walking me out to my truck before I headed home. I

The next day, Aunt Lauren and I had decided to go to the nearby city to shop for baby things. I had invited Emmett, but he was busy and wasn’t able to come. I didn’t have much of anything, and wanted to start getting things now before it was too late and I needed to rush. We left early, wanting to make a day out of it.

Then we planned to have lunch and head home.

“I’m glad that we’re spending some time together.”

Aunt Lauren had reached over and patted my knee as we approached the city. It was the first time that I had really been out of Paris since my arrival, at least for a whole day, anyway. I was excited for the adventure. It would have been nice if Emmett could have came, but I was also happy with this outcome.

We went to Wal-Mart first, getting a few large boxes of newborn diapers and large boxes of wipes. Next, we went to Babies R’ Us and we found a beautiful dark wood changing table and matching dresser.

I decided to wait on getting the crib, but we also got a bunch of clothes. Since we didn’t know the sex yet, we got unisex colors, mostly onesies and pajamas. I couldn’t wait to find out what the baby was.

I didn’t have a preference either way. I would be just as excited to have a girl or a boy. I decided to ask Emmett to see what he thought it might be. When we were exiting the store, we had a store employee pushing the cart to help us.

Aunt Lauren said she was going to shoot over to the bookstore nearby before it closed and grab the book she’d been waiting for. She had just a couple of moments. The store clerk put the items in the bed of the truck and after I thanked him.

I was just pushing the tailgate close when I heard her voice.

“Well, well, well.”

It was Madison.

Oh, God. I turned around, rolling my eyes. She was wearing an outfit that was way too slutty, and had her hand on her hips with her perfect blonde brows raising at me. I did not feel like dealing with this.

 “Looks like I found out your little secret.”

Her eyes moved to my swollen belly. I couldn’t help but come back with a smart ass answer.

“Good job, Detective. You must have worked half of your two brain cells figuring that one out.”

Her eyes narrowed at my slight, as if she hadn’t expected the slight. If she thought I was going to lay down and take her insults, she was out of her mind.

“Who’s the father?”

My first instinct was to tell her it wasn’t her business. But then I realized she would figure it out soon anyway, and then she would think it was her victory. The corners of my mouth turned up into a smile, and I spoke.


Her eyes widened a little bit in surprise, and then narrowed with anger. Just the reaction I was looking for. 

“You’re lying.” 

“Really? Why don’t you ask him?” I prompted.

A thought formulated in her head, and her smug smile returned.

 “I’m going to tell everybody that you’re pregnant.”

I shrugged my shoulders at her.

“Go ahead, Madison. I don’t really give a shit. It’s already obvious anyway. Slandering me will just make you look hateful for no reason.”

My aunt approached then, and looked at Madison. She hasn’t heard anything we’d been saying.

“Hello, Madison,” She said evenly.

“Ma’am,” Madison said, as if she wanted to sound polite. I rolled my eyes. “Hope you ladies enjoy your afternoon.”

I muttered a fake goodbye at her, and as I walked to the passenger seat, I said two words to myself.

“Fucking bitch.”

Author's Note: Guys, please stop with the rude comments. I'm not going to be nice to you if you're rude. But to my real fans...You guys are amazing. I can't believe how much support you guys hand out, even after three weeks of not updating and uneven updating. I seriously love you guys. If someone wants to make a new cover, feel free to message it to me. I'll dedicate to you! YOU GUYS ROCK.

The next chapter will be longer I promise.

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