Chapter Eighteen - [Emmett's P.O.V]

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Riding horses usually calmed him down.

He was in the middle of the riding trail, surrounded by the damp quietness of the forrest when the reoccurring thoughts of her flittered through his mind. In the three weeks Emmett had been gone, her belly had grown. A lot.

There was an obvious pregnant glow on her face, making her already beautiful features radiate. He was not sure where their relationship was going to go, or even where Charlotte wanted it to go. But no matter what, he was determined to do the right thing. To be there for her.

He’d had a very good childhood. His parents weren’t rich, but they’d had enough to get by. In the recent years, their ranch had thrived. Now Emmett had his own part of the family business and he’d make damn sure it would turn out just as successful. 

He thought again of Charlotte’s bulging belly, and when he had seen it for the first time. He obviously knew that it was actually happening, but seeing it made it so much more real. His baby was inside of her stomach.

That was also why he got so pissed off when he saw Parker sitting with her. Parker knew who he was, because Madison was his sister and Emmett knew Madison hated her. The night that he’d met Charlotte in Panama City Beach, it was Madison who he had been talking to. Not willingly, he just didn’t want to be rude. Madison mistook his southern boy manners and thought that she had finally sunk his claws into him.

Emmett snorted which caused his horse, Willow, to turn her ears towards her owner’s direction. He leaned over, patting the side of her neck. 

Madison Parker had been delusional. Right when she thought she was going to finally be able to seduce him, he’d saw Charlotte from across the fire. He had muttered some excuse to the blonde, and went to introduce himself to Charlotte.

That was why Madison hated Charlotte.

Emmett was sure that she’d blabbed at least something to Thomas, who’d seen Charlotte in the restaurant and decided to approach her for whatever reason. Sitting across the table like they’d been, Emmett doubted that he’d seen Charlotte’s belly.

The little weasel probably just knew that Emmett and Charlotte had a thing and wanted to put his greasy little paws all over her because of it.

He gritted his teeth in anger.

Over my dead body. He thought angrily.

Emmett hoped that Charlotte didn’t think that it was her he was angry at when he saw him at the restaurant. He had tried to hide the irritation at Parker’s sudden appearance, but it wasn’t very easy.

“God damn it.”

Emmett’s eyes had been scanning the furthest edge of the property when he saw the break in the fencing. Swinging his leg over the side of Willow, he tied her to a nearby tree and approached the fence.

Although it was unclear what had caused the damage, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to fix it with the tools he had. It was getting darker by the minute, so he would have to come back out tomorrow and bring the supplies.

For now, Emmet moved the broken pieces of the fence together as best he could and returned to his horse. He mounted back up and continued down the trail. As much as it was for working, it was clearing his mind.

He needed to start preparing for the baby.  There was five months before his baby would be here, and he needed to get a move on. Emmett wanted to make something special for the baby, and he had something in mind.

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