Chapter Twenty Six - [The Appointment.]

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It was entirely too early, I realized as I looked over at the clock in the first few minutes after I'd woken up. My appointment wasn't for another four hours and forty five minutes. I was already so excited. I was not sure if I could make it until eleven to find out what the baby would be.

Aunt Lauren was gone, having been working the early morning shift for the past couple of weeks. Emmett wasn't picking me up until ten thirty, having work to do around his house before the appointment.

So I had the next four hours and forty five minutes to myself. I needed to busy myself so I would not drive myself nuts with anticipation, waiting for the appointment. Waiting to find out what the sex of my baby would be.

I made my bed and cleaned up around the house, lastly moving to what would be the baby's room. I reorganized what clothes I did have in the dresser and the supplies that were in the changing table. I did not have a crib yet; Emmett had insisted that the crib was something that he would be in charge of getting, and him alone.

In the past three weeks, I had gained a good ten pounds - much to Emmett's mother's pleasure. My face rounded out a bit as well as my chest and butt. I knew I would only grow more.

At about nine thirty, I had officially run out of things to clean and reorganize. My thoughts drifted to Kira, and I decided to call her. I had learned recently that her father had gotten a job at some construction company. He'd be at work right now.

Her voice was still small and timid, but she assured me that she was fine. Although her father was still ignoring her, he wasn't hitting her any longer. He had not found the food in her room nor the money, and he had been doing a bit of a better job at putting food in the fridge.

I told her again to call me anytime she needed me. Anytime.

When I got off the phone, I was alone with my own thoughts again. Of course, they drifted to the upcoming appointment. How was my baby doing? Was the baby growing alright?

The more time passed and the more my belly grew, the more real it became. The more it sank in. I was going to be a mother, and Emmett a father. I knew being seventeen and pregnant wasn't ideal - but we were making the best of the situation, and I was glad that it was Emmett I had gotten pregnant with.

The closer it got to eleven, the more anxious it began.

Emmett showed up at exactly ten twenty five, knocking at the door and waiting patiently for me. I turned the TV off and shut off the lights, then made my way to the door.

"Good morning, darling. Did you sleep okay?"

He bent down and kissed my cheek.

"Sleeping is getting harder, honestly. Baby likes to kick at night now."

"Is the baby kicking now?" He asked, putting his hand on my belly.

"I think the baby is sleeping now. Or at least taking a break. It won't be long until he or she is moving again. Very active, this one. I think the baby gets that from you."

"Hopefully the looks come from you."

"Oh, hush," I said, elbowing him slightly as he opened the door of his truck for me. I climbed in, and he shut it after me.

We chatted happily on our way to the doctor's office, and I found my excitement - and Emmett's as well - was only growing more. I was hyper and happy, as if I had drank a full pot of coffee. I hardly touched caffeine though, so I couldn't imagine what it would be like if I had really drank an entire pot of coffee.

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