Chapter Thirty - [Welcome Home.]

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"I think that's the last of it."

It was Thursday, four days after the dinner when Emmett asked me to move in with him. It had been an instant decision, one I hadn't even needed to think about. Of course I wanted to move in with him. The only hiccup that might have caused was if Aunt Lauren didn't approve - but Emmett had already asked so that wasn't an issue.

We were currently standing in the driveway of Aunt Lauren's house, with boxes loaded up in the back of his truck. It wasn't too much - most of it being baby stuff. My aunt and I had said our goodbyes this morning because she'd had to go to work early.

Emmett reached over, putting his arm around me and pulling me closer. The embrace felt good, thawing me from the cold morning.

We rode through town, which was easy considering everyone was hiding inside from the cold weather. There was next to no traffic.

When we got to his house, it didn't take long to unpack my stuff. What took the longest was moving the baby furniture into the room next to Emmett's. After he did that - I obviously couldn't help beside holding the doors open - we unpacked all the stuff.

We'd had a baby shower thrown by Emmett's mother about a month and a half ago, and we got an insane amount of baby boy clothes. We all got a bunch of boxes of diapers, a very comfortable rocking chair and ottomon, a stroller and carseat combo, a little swing among many other things.

Emmett's family as well as my Aunt Lauren really spoiled us.

"Finally," Emmett exclaimed, both of us flopping down on the couch after we finished. Well...he flopped. I eased my way down slowly.

"That zapped like all of my energy," I answered.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"I'm always hungry," I replied quickly.

"Well, what do you want?"

"I would kill for one of your burgers," I said, putting my hand on my belly and looking over at him. "With bacon. And cheese. Lots of cheese."

"Well, one diabetes burger coming right up," He teased, standing up from his spot on the couch.

We relaxed for the rest of the evening, me being too tired from the morning move to want to do anything and him wanting to keep me company. The next day, there was an excited buzz going around Paris at the thought of the Homecoming game that night.

At around six p.m, Emmett and I started getting ready for the game. I wore leggings under my jeans, knowing it would be cold. I put on two long sleeved shirts on, not wanting to wear a coat over the Paris Bulldogs hoodie I wore. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, letting my bangs fall out by my face. Emmett helped me put on blue and white stripes on my cheeks, the colors of their football team.

We arrived at the game, and the stands were full of the citizens of Paris that came to support them. Emmett's family sat in a section int he middle about halfway up, and we were plopped down in the middle of them.

Emmett was sitting on my right, with my Aunt Lauren on my left. Emmett's parents were sitting in front of us and his Aunt Nicole was sitting behind us. I felt nervous, feeling her disdainful look on me as soon as we sat down. No one else noticed it.

"How does a hot chocolate sound before the game starts?" Emmett asked, putting his hand on my knee.

"That sounds wonderful," I answered honestly.He got up and walked away, and he wasn't gone but two minutes before I heard the hateful whisper in my ear.

"He'll get bored of you, you know," Nicole hissed. I froze, my back going rigid. I was having a hard time breathing. "The only reason he's shacking up with you is because he got you pregnant."

My face went red, but I didn't respond. Emmett saw the look on my face when he sat down.

"What's wrong?" He asked, before he sat down.

"Nothing," I lied, shaking my head.He didn't believe me, and I knew he wouldn't. But I hoped that he wouldn't make a scene. His eyes went to Nicole, and his face hardened in a way that I knew he was mad.

"Did you say something to her?" He asked, his voice low and even. Nicole snorted then, holding her hand over her heart like she was surprised at his accusation.

"What exactly are you insinuating?" She snapped back at Emmett.

"I know that you don't like her. I've seen the way you look at her. You don't exactly hide it, Aunt Nicole. And I know how you are. Did you say something?"

Her eyes darted to Emmett's mom.

"Rebecca, are you going to let your son speak to me like that?" She asked. Rebecca looked at me.

"Charlotte, honey, did she says something to you?"

Nicole gasped again, as if shocked Rebecca didn't immediately take her side. I met Rebecca's eyes and nodded.


"Then yes, Nicole. I will let my son talk to you that way. You can leave," She said, glaring back at her sister. For a second, she didn't move. "Now."

"Well, I never," Nicole scoffed, standing up and storming away. She'd come alone, so nobody had to follow her. Emmett sat down next to me, handing me the hot chocolate.

"What did she say?" He asked. I shook my head, feeling better already at them defending me so instantly.

"It doesn't matter," I said honestly. "It's fine."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. We can talk about it later," I gave him a honest smile, showing him I really was okay. Nicole obviously had some sort of problem with me, for reasons I still didn't know. But I wasn't about to let it bother me or ruin my night.

"Sure," He agreed.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate."

I leaned over and kissed him just as the whistle went off telling us the game started. It was an exciting game, with the Bulldogs and their opponents fighting heavily for control of the ball and the game.Paris went home with the win when we got a last minute touchdown, and it took several minutes before the cheering went down.

"Ready to go?" Emmett asked after we talked to Chris Jr, congratulating him on his first high school game. It was the JV homecoming game. The varsity was next week. He wasn't supposed to be playing on it, but the coaches saw that he had enough skill to be allowed to. He was among five other middle schoolers who had that little pass.

"I'm very ready," I answered.

"My butt hurts from sitting on those metal stands."

Him and I said goodbye to his family and headed home, and I found myself getting very very sleepy. He parked in front of the house and we both got out.

"Wait, wait!" Emmett said, stopping me in my tracks. Before I could protest, he swept me up in his arms bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked, giggling as he walked towards the front door. He walked up the steps easily, opening up the door quickly even with me in his arms.

"I'm carrying you through the threshold, of course."

He kicked the door closed behind us and kissed me hard. Passionately.

"Welcome home, baby." 

Author's Note: I'M SO SORRY IT'S LATE! You guys know how it is on the weekends...How unproductive you want to be. It's still here, though just two days late. Thank you guys SO MUCH for the love on my new book Tempted. That's why I love you guys like this...You are so supportive.

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