Chapter Seven - [Hiding.]

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I was fairly sure I was having a heart attack.

Crouching next to the truck, my hand clutched around the beer bottle, my blood had gone ice cold. How could he be here? It just wasn't possible...But yet, it was happening. I wished that a hole would open up in the ground and swallow me. I wanted to disappear.

Standing up just enough to see over the truck bed, I peeked across the fire. Sure enough, there Emmett stood next to Brooke. He looked exactly like I remember him in Panama City Beach. Just as handsome. Just as heart racing.

My stomach was doing summer saults. The same stomach that was currently holding his baby. I could puke. Please, just let him leave. I couldn't do this right now. And then, my prayers were answered.

“You stay out of trouble, you hear? Don't think I won't come out here and kick some ass,” Emmett put his arm around Brooke, kissing her on the head.

Were they dating?

After Brooke laughed off his warning and said goodbye to him, he got in his truck and drove out of the clearing. Safe now, I popped up and handed the beer bottle to Dan's friend.

“Who was that?” I asked, approaching Brooke. My hands were shaking, shoved in my back pockets to keep my new friend from seeing them. How ironic would it be if my only friend in Paris was dating the father of my baby?

Brooke rolled her eyes.

“Oh, that's just my brother. Overprotective as always.”


Brooke was my babys aunt. When no one was looking, I snuck away to the woods, spilling the contents of my dinner into the bushes. A mixture of nervousness and not so morning morning sickness caused me to get sick.

“You okay?” Brooke asked when I returned to the fire. “You don't look so good.”

“I think I ate something bad. I don't feel so well.”

“Do you want me to take you back home?”

I looked around at the party full of people, frowning.

“I don't wanna ruin your night.”

“Oh, nonsense. I'll be back in less than half an hour.”

“You sure?” I asked.

“Of course.”

Brooke told a few people that she'd be back, and we got into her truck. She took me back to my house. On the way, I tried my best to not seem like something was off. But I could feel a panic attack brewing inside.

Of all the small towns in the United States, Emmett Nash just had to live here. The same town that my aunt lived in, and I was forced to move to. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest when Brooke pulled up.

“Thanks for the ride. I had fun,” I said to her, smiling as I slid out of her truck.

“No problem. Call me anytime.”

“See you later. Have a good night.”

I shut the trucks door, walking towards the house. When I was sure that Brooke was out of sight, I broke out into a run, scrambling into the house and up to my room. I picked up my phone, dialing Katie's number.

“Please pick up, please pick up.”

I had my fingers crossed. I needed to talk to somebody about this.


Katie's voice filled me with relief.

“He's here, Katie!”

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