Chapter Thirty One - [Sick.]

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My child was beautiful in my arms.

Love overtook my heart in an overwhelming wave, consuming me all at once. Everything that I'd been through - getting pregnant in high school, the drama with my mother, Emmett's aunt hating me - everything was worth it to me. I'd go through it again ten times over.

The hospital room I was in was empty, though. There was absolutely no one around. I blinked against the bright lights in confusing, wondering why I was in a room that had nothing more than a bed in it. No bedside stands, no televisions, no cupboards. There was nothing.

I looked back down, almost forgetting the off putting circumstances when I gazed once more at my child. How had I gotten so lucky? Just when I was about to lift my son up to kiss him, something in him began to change. His shockingly blue eyes began to fade, turning quickly into a dramatic red. His skin began to grow hot to the touch, something much more sinister than a simple fever.

My newborn son began to smile then, revealing four teeth that weren't supposed to be there. Razor sharp teeth. I dropped him them, tossing him to the cold hospital floor. As soon as he fell from my arms, a pair of black wings sprouted from his back and he flew away, out of the window I hadn't noticed was open. A loud, ear piercing screech came from the direction in which he flew away.

I sat up with a start, my hand flying to my chest.

My heart was beating erratically, and my breath was coming out in fitful gasps. A cold sweat lined my forehead, and I pushed my damp bangs out of my eyes. What the fuck kind of dream was that?

I blinked hard a couple of times, finding comfort in the fact that I was safe in sound in Emmett's room and was still very much pregnant. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I placed a gentle hand on my belly.

My son seemed know of my discomfort, for he was waking up in a much more gentle way than what was normal for him. It was as if he was moving around to let me know he was okay, but doing it in a way that would not cause me any discomfort.

I walked downstairs after brushing my teeth to find Emmett in the kitchen, sipping at a cup of coffee before he headed outside to take care of the animals.

"What are you doing up so early? It's hardly seven o' clock."

"Bad dream," I explained, still a little bit freaked out by it.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I had the baby, but he turned into a demon or something."

"A demon?" Emmett asked, his eyebrows raised.

"I don't know, I think so. He was normal at first, but then his eyes turned red and his skin got really, really hot. He smiled at me, and he had fangs. I dropped him...Or threw him, really. He flew away after he grew wings."

He blinked a few times, as if he was unsure how to respond to me.

"That's weird," He responded finally. "Pregnancy is weird."

"You're telling me," I said, laughing as I stepped around him to make some tea. "No way in hell was I going back to sleep after that."

"Yeah, I don't blame you," He replied, putting his empty coffee cup in the sink. "What are you going to do, now that you're up?"

"Probably watch a movie or something."

Emmett reached up, pushing some hair behind my ears.

"I've got a busy day, so I won't be able to hang around the house a lot. Brooke's going to come over to hang out with you. She should be here in about an hour and a half."

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