Chapter Twenty One - [Girl's Day.]

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When you first wake up, there are several things you might expect to see.

Personally, I might have expected to see the sun rising through Emmett's bedroom window. I might have expected to open my eyes and see him lying next to me, still asleep. I might have even expected to see an empty bed, as Emmett was an early riser. But what I did not expect to see was a pair of bright blue eyes staring at me.

I had been blinking myself out of a groggy sleep, Emmett's arm still draped around my body as he snored lightly next to me. I didn't understand what I was seeing at first, but when my blurry vision cleared I yelped in surprise.

"Holy shit!" I shouted, sitting up with my hand over my heart. Brooke was standing next to the bed, with her hands on her hips as she looked down at me. Her face was happy and bright, too chipper for...What time was it anyway?

Beside me, Emmett jerked into a sitting position. For a second, his eyes wildly searched the room as he looked for the source of my startled exclamation. When they landed on his baby sister, his expression flattened.

"Brooke, Jesus fuckin' Christ. What's wrong with you? What do you want?" He snapped.

Brooke wasn't phased by her brother's grumpy expression. She beamed widely, seemingly happy the both of us were awake now. She rolled her eyes at him.

"You not here for you, doofus," She answered back, glancing at me again. "I'm here for Charlotte. We're going to have a girls day."

"We are?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"Yes...Yes, we are. I figured with you hanging around knuckle head over here all week, you're going to need some girl time. Come on, get ready. We leave in twenty."

Without waiting for an affirmative answer or an answer of any sort, she turned around and walked out of the room. I was half stunned half amused by her quirky, take charge attitude. I looked at Emmett, who still bore the grumpy expression on his face."

"She's right, you are kind of a knuckle head," I said shrugging.

The corners of his mouth turned up into a smile.

"Oh I am now, am I?"

He reached his fingers out from under the covers and tickled my ribcage. I tried to wiggle away, but he pulled me back. It didn't take me long to give in.

"Okay! Okay! I take it back!" I laughed, pushing his hands away. He brought his hand up to my face, pushing a stray hair of my face.

"That was a Hell of a way to wake up, wasn't it?" He said, smiling at me. "That's the type of thing that happens when my sister has too much caffeine."

"Oh, she's alright," I laughed. "She just wanted to get an early start."

"And if you're not down there in eighteen and a half minutes, she'll be banging on the door," He teased.

I pushed myself out of bed, untangling myself from Emmett's arms. The cold air of the bedroom made goosebumps rise up on my arms and legs, as I was just wearing one of his t-shirts. I walked over to where my suitcase was on the floor and picked out leggings and a cute top. When I pulled the t-shirt over my head, I heard Emmett behind me chuckling.

"Now, that's a nice view," he said.

I giggled, tossing the t-shirt at his head.

"You hush," I answered back.

I got dressed quickly, and was fixing my make up in the bathroom mirror and brushed my hair and put it in a bun. I was just brushing my teeth when I head Emmett's voice.

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