Chapter Thirty Two - [Christmas.]

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The time it took me to get better seemed to take forever.

I was eager to feel better, not only to know that the baby was doing fine but to be able to get out of bed. After the first day, I quickly got restless. I was running out of things to do and TV shows to watch.

About four days later, I was fully recovered. Just a few days after that, it was time for another appointment with the baby. In the weeks to follow, Emmett and I found ourselves more and more ready to meet our son.

We had come up with a name, but we had decided to wait until the birth to reveal it to anyone. The nursery was very nearly ready - except for the crib. Emmett told me he had it worked out and it would be ready before the baby was here.

I kept reminding him that I could go into labor at anytime, but he didn't seem to be worried about that and told me not to be either. He wasn't stressed out about it, so I decided to trust him.

Weather in Paris got steadily and steadily more cold. It would rain sometimes, and it was so cold that it would freeze sometimes. The whole town would shut down. Emmett and I didn't mind this, because we spent these days cooped up in the house watching movies together.

Him and I knew that we wouldn't get many more nights alone together.

Finally, Christmas Eve had arrived.

It was an exciting day for two reasons. One was that we were having the first of two family get togethers at Emmett's parents house. His entire family would be there, as well as my Aunt Lauren.

The second reason why this day was exciting was that I was exactly nine months pregnant today. I was eager to go into labor now, but antsy because I was unsure when it would come. It could happen tonight or two weeks from now.

I didn't think they would let me go that far over my due date with out inducing me, but they hadn't said much about that. They had told me they didn't want to worry me, and that we would cross that bridge if we came to it.

I hoped not to come to that.

Pushing the thoughts of labor out of my mind, I got ready for the evening.

Looking into the mirror, I put my hands on my swollen belly. Only a few more days, baby. I hoped silently to myself.

I was wearing jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. I had my hair in curls around my shoulders and a cute scarf around my neck. I wore little make up.

"Ready, Charlotte?"

Emmett walked into the room, and he looked very handsome. He was wearing dark colored blue jeans, with a tucked in button up shirt.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

He grabbed my coat, helping me into it before I zipped it up. He went downstairs to start the truck, and I slipped on my shoes before heading downstairs.

Emmett met me at the door, and he had an amused look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused and he started laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"Baby, you're wearing two different shoes."

"I am not!" I huffed, my cheeks reddening.

"Go ahead and look for yourself," He said, still chuckling.

I put one hand against the wall to stable myself and lifted one foot so I could see - my belly was in the way. Okay, black flat. I lifted my right foot next, and couldn't help but start laughing myself. Blue flat.

"I'll go get the other black one," Emmett said, heading up the stairs. He returned a moment later with the correct shoe, and I slipped off the blue one and put on the black one.

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