Chapter Thirty Three - [New Years Eve.]

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"Charlotte, you really don't have to help set up."

It was in the morning of New Years Eve, and I was one week overdue. Everyone in the past seven days had been hovering over me, eying me like I was a bomb about to go off at any second. Emmett had kept me in bed a lot of the time.

This morning, though, him and Nate had to go to the next town over to get a part for Nate's truck. He'd taken me to Brooke's house, which gave me a chance to get out of the house.

Brooke was getting ready for the New Years Eve party she was having for the family at her house. She had expected me to sit on the couch and do nothing, but I couldn't just sit back and be a bum anymore.

"Don't worry about me," I said, waving off her worry as I spread out a table cloth over a table in the living room that she was going to be putting snacks and drinks on. "I need to be getting up and moving around."

She raised her eyebrows at me, a clear indication that she was skeptical of what I'd said. But she shrugged anyway.

"Just let me know if you get tired or don't feel good. If something happens to you while you're here, I'm pretty sure Emmett will kill me and no one will be able to find my body."

I rolled my eyes.

"Your brother has been hovering over me like a vulture on a carcass. I'll be fine," I laughed.

My belly was huge and round. The baby had dropped, and I knew I was going to give birth any day now. Although Emmett's hovering could be a bit much, him and I were closer than ever.

We both shared mutual elation over the birth that was sure to happen soon. We couldn't wait to meet our son. The nursery was all set up, as well as a car seat in both Emmett and I's trucks and the hospital bag for both Emmett and myself.

In the past few days, it had become very very difficult to sleep. I had to sleep in odd positions sometimes taking a majority of the bed. Emmett was a wonderful sport, showing more patience than most people would be. (And a little extra coffee in the morning usually helped him.)

Tonight was an adult only night. All of the children would be having a sleepover at Emmett's parents house, and a hired babysitter would be watching them. So Brooke had bought a bunch of beer and alcohol, and we were currently making jello shots.

Because we weren't sure how long fixing Nate's truck would take, I decided to just stay at Brooke's until the party. I had even brought a cute outfit so I could change before the party started.

People were set to start showing up at seven, so I took a shower at five and Brooke and I started getting ready. She helped me get dressed, as even that was difficult these days. Before going downstairs, I double checked to make sure I had matching shoes on to avoid that mess again.

The house was full by seven thirty, with music going and people drinking. Emmett and Nate had arrived shortly after Brooke and I had finished getting ready. I eyed Nate, who seemed to be warming up to Brooke lately.

I was sitting on Emmett's lap then, and looked over at him, wondering what he would do if his best friend started dating his baby sister. I knew Nate was a great guy though and would love if they got together.

"What?" Emmett asked, the corners of his mouth turning up into a lazy smile. He was only on his second beer, so I was sure he wasn't feeling it yet.

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head. "Am I making your legs go numb? Aren't I too heavy to be sitting on your lap like this?" I asked.

"No, baby, you're fine," He said, rubbing my leg. "And you look beautiful tonight, by the way."

"Well thank you," I grinned, leaving over to kiss him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm pretty good. My stomach has been hurting, but not like contractions. I think I ate some bad meat earlier today or something."

"Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with the baby?" Emmett asked, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not that. He's moving just fine and it's definitely not contractions. Something to do with food."

"Let me know if it gets worse, okay?" He asked.

I reached up and rubbed the spot on his chin on which he was starting to grow stubble, hoping to ease his worry a little bit. I knew that he was concerned with me and his first child, and I couldn't blame him.

"Thank you, but I'll be fine. I promise. I'll be right back. I've got to go to the bathroom."

After helping me to my feet, I walked upstairs and went to the bathroom. After washing my hands and drying them, I walked back into the hallway. I was about to go back downstairs when someone met me.

"Nicole," I said coldly.

I didn't want to be rude, but I didn't want to put up with whatever she was going to do or say today.

"I see you haven't given birth yet," She said, smiling wickedly as she eyed my belly. I sighed heavily.

"Look, I'm not in the mood for your shit," I snapped.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Excuse me?"

I suddenly was very, very angry at her treatment of me. She had spoken too many times about me and my child, and I felt myself go into mama bear mode.

"I don't know what the Hell your problem is, but I have not done a single thing wrong to you. You have been a bitch to me the entire time that I've lived here for no fucking reason. If you have a valid reason to hate me, then say something. And if you don't, keep your mouth shut and leave me and my family the fuck alone."

With my rant over, I shouldered past her and went to walk back downstairs. My hand had just gripped the handrail when a large, sharp pain bolted across my stomach. I cried out, my hand clutching my belly.

Behind me, Nicole laughed nervously.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" She asked, her voice a mixture between skepticism and being scared. I didn't answer her because another sharp pain hit me, followed by a gush of something wet between my legs.

"Oh my god," I said. I looked over my shoulder at Nicole, no longer angry No longer caring about whatever feud we were having. "My water just broke."

She stood, frozen with widened eyes.

"Go get Emmett!" I shouted.

Still, she didn't move. I wasn't sure what her problem was, but I didn't have time for it.


That seemed to kick her into gear, and she rushed down the stairs. I was surprised she didn't fall, stumbling over herself more than once. Less than fifteen seconds later, Emmett came bounding up the stairs.

"What's wrong, Charlotte?" He asked.

I sunk to the floor, clutching my stomach and looking up at him with wide, round eyes. Several feelings flooded into me at once. I was excited. I was nervous. A sudden rush of love for both Emmett and the baby hit me. But the one that dominated me the most at this moment; I was scared.

"I think I'm going into labor."

Author's Note: WooooooHOOOO! Finally, she's going into labor! I personally can't wait to meet the baby. He's going to be such a little cutie! What do you think of what Char said to Nicole? What do you think of this chapter? There will only be two more chapters. Honestly, I am sad to see this story be finished. I can't believe it's almost done! :( I'm not sure if I'm going to do a sequel or not but I'll let you know on the final chapter!

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