When Someone Is Bullying You

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Requested by: Skyrimfan234
⚠️Trigger warning: mean things, slight violence⚠️

F/N - friend's name, E/1 - elf 1, E/2 - elf 2
I was leaving the Lost Clan village, where I was visiting my friend, F/N.
I was walking, when I tripped and fell. Two elves started laughing at me.

E/1: Hahaha! Look at them! They're so clumsy, they tripped on air!

E/2: Haha yeah! Wait, isn't that Alfur's girlfriend?

E/1: I think you're right! Ha! An amazing elf like Alfur shouldn't be with some klutz!

I ignored them, and got up, dusting myself off. But they pushed me back down, this time, into a puddle of mud. They laughed at me some more, until something hit them, causing them to go flying through the air!
It was Bartell! He hit them, and was now running after them. Someone tapped my shoulder, and I turned around to see Alfur.

Alfur: Are you okay, Y/N? I'm so sorry that they were so mean to you!

Y/N: I'm fine Alfur......... are they okay?

I pointed to the two elves who were bothering me. They were lying on the ground, all beat up.

Alfur: I'm sure they'll be fine.

Idea from jonesy234567
B/N - bully's name
I was at the library, helping Kaisa re shelf the books. We we're having a good time, talking about random things, but then I saw B/N.
Luckily, I already told Kaisa about them. She was already next to me, about to snap their spine in half if they did anything.

B/N: Sup Y/N.

Y/N: Sup.

B/N: Still hanging out in the library huh? You always were a nerd.

They were about to say something else, but they looked at Kaisa, and turned a bit pale.

B/N: Well.... I gotta go.... so..... see ya.

They left, and I looked at Kaisa to see what they were so scared about.
Kaisa has the most terrifying death stare I have ever seen. No wonder B/N left so quickly.

Idea from WattpadequalsLife
I just told my nightmare to all the other marra, and I was pretty proud of it!
After everyone told theirs, I started heading home, when Kelly stopped me.

Y/N: What is it, Kelly?

Kelly: I just wanted to let you know that you need to step up your nightmare game.

Y/N: What? But I thought I did a good job.

Kelly: Well you didn't. It was trash. I was trying not to laugh at you whole time you were telling it.

I felt really bad. I really planned out that nightmare, and I thought it was really good. I was about to turn around and leave, when...

Jaeden: Your nightmare was the one that was trash, Kelly!

Kelly: Excuse me?!

Jaeden: You heard me! I mean come on, giant spiders? So unoriginal. Looks like you're the one who needs to step your nightmare game. Come on, Y/N.

She grabs my hand, and we both leave. I could tell she was proud of herself. I was proud of her too.

J/1 - Jerk 1, J/2 - Jerk 2
I was at the grocery store buying........ groceries.
I was in the cereal isle, when I saw two jerks from my job. I hid my face, hoping they wouldn't notice me, but they still did.

J/1: Hey, Y/N!


Y/N: Hey J/1. Hey J/2.

J/2: So whatcha doin?

Y/N: ........... buying groceries.

J/2: Heh, nice.

Suddenly, J/1 pointed at my outfit, and gasped.

J/1: Ewwww J/2, look at their clothes!

J/2: Ewww! Y/N, you should totally buy new clothes, those are hideous!

They started laughing at me, and pointing out every flaw in my outfit, hair, makeup, or anything else.
I ran away from them, and bumped into someone.

Y/N: Ah! Sorry- Woodman?

Woodman: Hello Y/N. We're those people bothering you?

Y/N: Them? No! Why would you think that?

Woodman: Because you're crying.

Y/N: Oh.

Woodman: Let's go. It's better not to waste our time with people like that.

Y/N: Okay, but I got to pay for my groceries first.

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