They Fall Asleep On You

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Alfur had been working on his report all afternoon. You kept telling him to take a break, but he kept saying that he wouldn't stop until he's done.
You walked into his house, and saw that he was now on his bed, instead of sitting at his desk. A better spot, but he was still writing.

Y/N: Still working on it, huh?

Alfur: Yeah. This is longest report I've ever written.

Y/N: Alfur, you should really take a break. It's getting late.

Alfur: Ugh, I just really want to finish this.

You sighed, and gave up in trying to convince him.
You grabbed a book you've been reading, and sat down next to Alfur.
After about five minutes, you felt something on your shoulder. You look down, and saw that Alfur has fallen asleep on you.
You giggled, and put your book down. You laid your head down on Alfur's head, and fell asleep too.

You were at the library, looking for a book about Greek mythology. Kaisa was helping you look, but you could tell she was tired.
You eventually found a book, and sat down at a table to read it. Kaisa sat down with you.
You were reading about Aphrodite, when Kaisa fell asleep on your lap. You chuckled, and continued to read.

You and Jaeden were in the forest with the other marra, sharing your nightmares.
Jaeden was acting grumpier than usual, so you assumed she had a bad day.
You shared your nightmare, and sat back down next to Jaeden. After a while, she fell asleep on your shoulder.

Y/N: Oh, I guess she was just tired.

You decided to take Jaeden home, so you picked her up, and left. You snuck into her house through her window, and put her to bed.

You walked into Woodman's house, and saw him sitting at the table, with a cup of tea. You said hello to him, and he just hummed in response. As you walked closer to him, you noticed that he had bags under his eyes.

Y/N: You alright? You look tired.

He just nodded, and got up to put his cup in the sink. You went over to the couch to watch TV, and he went too. You both watched Netflix for about thirty minutes, until Woodman fell asleep on your lap.
You smiled, and continued to watch Netflix.

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