When You're Sick

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I decided to redo this chapter.

You've come down with a cold, and you were miserable. You couldn't stop coughing and sneezing, and no matter how many blankets you had, you were FREEZING!
You were laying on your bed, thinking about who's gonna plan your funeral, when Alfur texted you(idk if elves have phones, but this is my book, so I say that they do).

Alfur: How are you doing today?

Y/N: Not good. I have or cold:(

Alfur: Oh no!:(
Can I come over to take care of you?

Y/N: You don't have to

Alfur: Too late. I'm already on my way

Y/N: Um ok👁👄👁

After a few minutes, you heard a knock at your door. You rolled out of bed and answered it.

Alfur: Hi! I'm sorry you're sick.

Y/N: It's fine. I'll be better in a few days.

Alfur: Well, in the meantime, let me take care of you!

You went back to bed, and Alfur brought you some medicine. After about 20 minutes, he also brought you soup.

Alfur: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Like crap.

Alfur: Language!>:(

Y/N: Sorry.

You ate the soup, then Alfur crawled into bed with you, and cuddles you.

Y/N: Alfur! You'll get sick!

Alfur: I don't care, as long as I can make you feel better.

You weren't feeling your best today, but you decided to brush it off, and go see Kaisa. You walked into the library, and went to the front desk. Kaisa saw you, and waved.

Kaisa: Hello, Y/N.

Y/N: Hi Kaisa!

You felt a tickle in your throat, and started coughing.

Kaisa: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine!

Kaisa: You sure? You don't look too good.

She walked over to you, and placed her hand of your forehead.

Kaisa: Y/N, you're burning up! You need to go home!

Y/N: Noooooo, I wanna be with youuuuu!

Kaisa: Well, if you won't go home, I'll have to take you myself.

Before you knew it, Kaisa dragged you to your car, and drove you home. When you got there, she put you to bed, and gave you medicine. You were pretty mad about it, but hey, you still got to hang out with Kaisa.

You had an ear infection, and got to stay home from school(you and Jaeden are in high school). And you'd think that you'd be miserable, but you were just VIBIN! You were watching all your favorite shows on Netflix, and every once in awhile, you'd look at the clock and laugh at the poor kids who were in class.
At about one, you got a text from Jaeden.

Jaeden: Why aren't you at school?

Y/N: I have an ear infection😎

Jaeden: How is that cool?

Y/N: Bc I get to stay home! Btw how's science class😂😏

Jaeden: Stoooooop ur so mean😭

Y/N: 🤣

Jaeden: Can I come over after school?

Y/N: Awww you do care🥺

Jaeden: NO! It's just boring at home

Y/N: Sure😏 but yeah you can come over

About an hour later, Jaeden came over, and you watched Netflix for the rest of the day.

You have the flu, so you've been sleeping the entire day.
You woke up to someone opening your front door. You knew who it was, so you didn't bother to get up.

Woodman: What's going on?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Woodman: You didn't come over today like usual, and you didn't respond to any of my texts. So I assumed something was going on.

You blushed a little bit. He was worried about you! So cute!

Y/N: Sorry, I have the flu, so I've been sleeping.

Woodman: Oh.

Y/N: Yeah, so you better go. I don't wanna get you sick.

Woodman: No, I think I'll stay here.

He then sits at the end of your bed, and turns on the T.V.
You went back to sleep, and he watched Netflix, while also watching over you.

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