First Kiss

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You've been on vacation for the past two weeks(do elves go on vacation???), and you finally got home. After you unpacked, you went to visit Alfur. You didn't tell him you came back, because you wanted to surprise him. You knocked on Hilda's window, and Alfur answered.

Alfur: Y/N! You're back!

Y/N: Yup! I missed you so much!

Alfur: Me too!

He suddenly grabbed your waist, and kissed you. You kissed back, and after a few seconds you pulled away.

Alfur: I love you!

Y/N: I love you too!

You were at the library, as usual. You weren't looking for anything specific, you were just looking around. You started climbing the ladder to get to the higher shelves, when you slipped, and fell, but you didn't fit the ground. Kaisa caught you.

Kaisa: Y/N! Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for-

Before you could finish your sentence, she kissed you. It was a short kiss, so you didn't get the chance to kiss back.

Kaisa: Don't scare me like that.

You and the Jaeden were at your favorite restaurant, and your waiter/waitress was flirting with you a little.

Waiter/waitress: And what would you like to drink?

Jaeden: A Diet Coke.

Waiter/waitress: Alright. And what would the beautiful/handsome person like?

Y/N: A (favorite drink).

After the waiter/waitress left, you noticed that Jaeden looked really mad. You were pretty sure you knew the reason, so you decided not to ask her about it. After a few minutes, you saw the waiter/waitress coming back with your drinks, but before they were at the table, Jaeden grabbed you by the shirt and kissed you. After a few seconds, she pulled away and sat back down like nothing happened.
The waiter/waitress stopped flirting with you after that.

You and Woodman were watching a movie together, when you fell asleep on his shoulder. When you woke up, the movie was over, and Woodman was in the same spot as before, playing on his phone.

Y/N: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you.

He suddenly turned and kissed you. When he pulled away, your whole face was red. He noticed this, and smirked.

Woodman: You're so cute when you sleep.

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