Things They Say

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Requested by: OkayYaokay

❤️You look very pretty today!
❤️You don't have to do that by yourself! Let me help you!
❤️You wanna cuddle? Okay, but just for a little bit.(then you cuddle for 2 hours)
❤️No, Y/N, you cannot wear my hat.

🖤Just because we're dating, it doesn't mean you get to keep the library books. Give them back.
🖤Give me my coat, Y/N.
🖤Y/N, stop being crazy this is a library.

💗You're such an idiot.
💗Y/N, stop touching my hair.
💗You should have seen the nightmare I gave this kid! It was great!

🤎Didn't we meet because I walked into your house without permission?
Y/N: Well, yes... but-
Then I don't see why you get mad at me for doing it.
🤎Y/N, I took my precious time to make you this tea, but you won't drink it. How do you think that makes me feel?(He made the swamp tea)
🤎*pulls out guitar* Hey Y/N, what song should I play?
🤎While I'm glad you did, I'm surprised you fell in love with ME, because I'm just so incredibly boring.

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