They Scare You So Bad That You Cry

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Requested by: lettiethePasta
I won't be writing a whole story with these, because if I did, I'd probably cry:)

- you did something that made him angry, so he raised his voice at you
- he never raises his voice, so it scared you and you started crying
- as soon as that happened, he felt SO bad
- he hugged you and apologized to you a billion times
- promised not to raise his voice ever again

- she was practicing her magic and it backfired
- it was a big "explosion" but it didn't destroy anything, it was just loud with smoke
- it scared you and you cried
- she felt really bad and apologized

- you dared each other to give each other the scariest nightmare you could come up with(can marras give each other nightmares???)
- your nightmare for Jaeden didn't really scare her, but when she gave you one, it scared you so bad that you screamed in your sleep, and woke up crying
- she felt awful and apologized
- she avoided you for a while after that because she thought you hated her

- he was chopping wood by his house, and he didn't see you behind him
- he swung his axe right by your face, and while it missed you, it scared you really bad, so you cried
- when he turned around and saw you, he dropped his axe and pulled you into a hug
- he apologized a lot
- even a while after it happened, he still feels bad

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