If You Have A Child/Younger Sibling To Take Care Of

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Requested by: jonesy234567

- doesn't mind!
- he likes kids, so he gets along with them well
- will look after them when you can't
- the kid loves him

- if it's a LITTLE kid, like a toddler or younger, she'll be nervous around them
- she'll talk to them sometimes
- only babysits if she has to
- she grows to love them though

- lol nope
- she doesn't like kids
- she won't be mean to them, she just won't talk to them
- she will not babysit

- he's ok with it
- he'll babysit if they're not super annoying
- kinda acts like the weird uncle around them. Like the one who calls you "kid" and let's you do anything you want as long as you don't bother him
- the kid really likes him for some reason

- loves them as soon as she meets them
- loves to babysit
- she knows her stuff about kids, since she has Hilda, so you can always count on her when you need help
- the kid loves her
- Hilda gets along with them too

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