When A Stranger Tries To Dance With You At A Party

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Requested by: iistxrmyskyii

The Lost Clan was having a big party, and invited you, so of course you went. Alfur went with you
You were having lots of fun. Alfur went to go get some food, so you were standing alone.
Until someone came over to you.

Charlie: Hey! I'm Charlie!

Y/N: Oh, hi. I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you!

Charlie: Wanna dance?

Y/N: Oh, um... sorry... but I'm with someone.

Charlie: Oh come on, it'll be fun!

Y/N: No thank-

Before you could finish your sentence, Charlie grabbed your arm and waist, and tried to dance with you.
You thought there was to way to get out of this, but Alfur was standing across the room, watching the whole thing.
He started walking over to you, and you let out a sigh of relief.
He grabbed your arm, and had a look of panic on his face.

Alfur: Hey Y/N- um- Bartell wants to talk to you!

Y/N: Oh okay!

You both walked away from Charlie, without saying anything to him.

Y/N: Thank you.

Alfur: No problem. What kind of jerk forces people to dance with them?

Alfur was really upset. But you had idea to help him feel better.
You held out your hand to him.

Y/N: Wanna dance?

He smiled, and took your hand. You pulled him to the dance floor, where you danced the night away.

You were invited to your neighbor's summer party, so you asked Kaisa to come with you. She said yes, so the night of the party, you both got dressed up.
The party turned out not to be as fun as you thought it would be. You and Kaisa were standing in the corner of the room, away from everybody. Then Kaisa went to get a drink, and when she left, someone named Frankie walked over to you.
You only met them once. You were on the same bus, and talked for a bit, but that's all.

Frankie: Hey Y/N! Remember me?

Y/N: Yeah. Frankie, right?

Frankie: Yup! So anyway, wanna dance?

Y/N: Oh, sorry, but-

You suddenly felt someone behind you. You turned around, and it was Kaisa.

Kaisa: Sorry, but me and my S/O will be leaving.

She grabbed your hand, and you both left. She was pretty salty for the rest of the night.

It was your high school's end-of-school-year party, and you and Jaeden where going together. The moment you got there, though, you both immediately regretted it.
The music was WAY too loud, and the only food they had there was pizza. Also there were couples making out in the corner.

Y/N: Where are the adults? They should be watching everything.

Jaeden noticed how bothered you were, and offered to go to her house instead, and play video games. You were about to accept, but then someone came up to you.

Jessie: Hey, I'm Jessie. Wanna dance?

Before you could even answer them, they grabbed your arm, and started pulling you to the dance floor.
But Jaeden grabbed your other arm, and pulled you away from them.

Jaeden: Hey! Y/N my S/O! So GET LOST!

Almost immediately, Jessie let go of you and ran away.

Jaeden: C'mon. Let's go.

Guide: F/N - friends name
You were at a friend's birthday party, and you were having a really good time.
F/N was busy flirting with their crush, so you stood back and watched.
But then, you felt someone tap your shoulder.
You turned around.

Jackie: Hey, I'm Jackie!

Y/N: Oh, hey. I'm Y/N.

Jackie: So, you know F/N?

Y/N: Yeah, we're really good friends.

Jackie: Nice. Hey... wanna dance?

Y/N: Sorry, but I have a boyfriend.

Jackie: Oh.. well he doesn't have to... know.

Suddenly, someone put an arm around your waist. You looked, and it was Woodman. You wondered why he was there, since he didn't want to go to the party.

Y/N: Woodman? Wha-

Suddenly, his lips crashed onto yours.
He kissed you in front of the person who asked to dance with you.
You looked at Jackie, and he looked disturbed.

Woodman: Let's go home, Y/N.

Y/N: Okay!

You said goodbye to F/N, and left.

Y/N: Thanks babe. But how did you get in?

Woodman just giggled, but he didn't answer your question.

The bell company Johanna worked for was having a party because of how successful they've been. She invited you to come with her, so of course you said yes.
When you got there, almost everyone was at the dance floor with drinks. But you didn't care for those things, so you just sat at a table, eating food.
Johanna was across the room, talking with her coworkers, when someone came up to you.

Morgan: Hey, I'm Morgan. You look really nice, let's dance.

You couldn't even say anything before they grabbed your arm and started basically dragging you to the dance floor.
Luckily, you were passing by Johanna, so you pulled away from Morgan and hid behind her.

Johanna: What's going on, Y/N?

Y/N: They tried to make me dance with them.

Johanna: *sigh* Morgan, please leave Y/N alone.

Morgan: Sorry, my bad.

Morgan didn't seem sorry, though, because they were smirking as they walked away.
You stood close to Johanna for the rest of the party.

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