When They Do Something Cute

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Requested by liliftale
When you see them do a cute habit that they do.
I was working on the chapter "something cute that they do", and they requested this, so I decided to mix the two ideas together.

He sticks his tongue out when he's concentrated.

You went to Alfur's house, and saw him writing, probably a report. You go over him and say hi, and he just hums in response.
You look closer at him, and see that his tongue is sticking out. You find this incredibly adorable, and squeal from the cuteness.

Alfur: What? What is it?

Y/N: You're just so cute!

He blushes, and mumbles "thank you", before going back to writing.

She wraps her cape around herself like a cocoon.

You were at the library, looking for Kaisa, but you couldn't find her anywhere. Then you remembered the secret room.
You went to the bookshelf, and pulled it to open it. You went down the stairs, and laying on a chair asleep, was Kaisa.
She had her cape wrapped around herself like a cocoon. You tried not to squeal from the cuteness.

She hides her face with her pig tales when she blushes

You were waiting for Jaeden to come to your house to hang out. You hear your doorbell, and run to answer it. You open the door and it was Jaeden.

Jaeden: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hey!

You kiss her cheek, and she turns red. She grabs her pigtails, and hides her face with them, before walking past you to your living room.
You laugh because of how cute she was. Then you follow her to the living room, and watch a movie.

He sings in the shower

You walked into Woodman's house(he lets you do that bc he does that to you), and you didn't see him. So you walked down the hallway to go to his room, when you heard water running, and someone singing.
You listened to it, and it was Woodman's voice. You found it adorable that he sings in the shower, and he had a good voice too. You kept listening, until you heard the shower turn off. You immediately ran to the living room, and sat on the couch, pretending you weren't just listening to your boyfriend singing in the shower.
After a few minutes, Woodman walked into the living room, and saw you.

Woodman: Oh, hey Y/N. Sorry if you were waiting long, I was in the shower.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. I heard you singing too. You have a nice voice.

His face turned bright red. It was the first time you had seen him blush. He must have been really embarrassed. You found that even more cute than his singing.

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