If You're In A Coma

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Requested by: iistxrmyskyii

- will spend most of his time in the hospital with you
- doesn't get a lot of sleep
- cries sometimes, because he's worried that you won't wake up
- buys you plushies and puts them on your bed
- when you wake up, he cries his eyes out and showers you with gifts and kisses

- one word: DEPRESSED
- she's so sad, she doesn't even wanna go to work anymore
- checks on you every day
- when you wake up, she'll spoil you rotten

- she acts tough, but she's falling apart on the inside
- like Alfur, she worries that you won't wake up
- when you wake up, she finally breaks, and cries while squeezing you to death

- basically lives at the hospital
- like, sometimes the nurses have to force him out the door
- has nightmares of you never waking up
- cries when you wake up

- she buys you lots of flowers
- she visits almost every day
- makes Hilda visit at least once a week
- has breakdowns often
- she gives you the longest hug when you wake up

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