Chapter 5

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Melda was awoken by someone knocking on her door. She squinted through the light coming in through her window.

"Just a minute!" She called groggily, getting out of bed and hastily throwing on a dressing gown.

She opened the door to find Merlin looking absolutely miserable.

"Can you help out Arthur for today?" He asked, nose stuffed up. Melda lay a hand over his forehead and felt his fever immediately.

"Of course," she said. In the couple of weeks since the whole fiasco with Lady Helen, Melda has taken over some of Merlin's duties when needed. She'd never had to do all of them however.

"Get some rest," she commanded. "I'll let his highness know." Merlin nodded and padded off towards his room. Melda grabbed the breakfast sandwich Gaius had left for her and scribbled a note explaining she would be helping the prince.

Since arriving in Camelot, Gaius had begun training Melda as an assistant physician. She knew Gaius could handle it without her, at least for one day.

Melda made her way through the castle, saying a brief hello to Gwen as she passed her. She knocked on Arthur's door, and entered when he gave permission.

"Melda," He said, surprised when she entered. "Where's that brother of yours?"

"Sick. I'm taking over for today," Melda said. Arthur leaned back in his chair, raising an eyebrow. Melda raised one in return. "Do you need anything, Sire?"

"Not at the moment," Arthur said. "I can manage without a servant for the day."

"Okay," Melda said. "I'll just go then-" she turned to leave.

"Are you injured?" Arthur asked abruptly. Melda froze.


"You have a bandage. On your arm." Arthur gestured. Melda cursed herself for wearing a shirt with shorter sleeves.

"Yes," she lied. "I cut myself when I dropped a bottle in Gaius's room." Arthur made a face but didn't comment.

"Tell Merlin that he'd better be ready for the feast tomorrow evening."

"I will," Melda promised. "And he will be, sire." She once again turned to go.

"Call me Arthur," the prince said abruptly. "You aren't my servant, and even Merlin calls me my name." Melda swallowed.

"Yes si- I mean, Arthur." 

She saw Arthur smile slightly and she returned it. Melda then left the room, pressing a hand over the bandage as she went.


"Is it burning at all?" Merlin asked Melda the next night. The pair of them were sitting on his bed, Melda's arm held out between them. Revealed was the swirling lines of a common druid symbol, about halfway filled in with black.

"Yes," Melda said. "But I didn't use magic. I don't know, maybe I'm imagining it. It's burning after I have nightmares."

"The same ones?"

"No, new ones. And some of them feel so real!"

"Maybe you're having visions," Merlin said softly. Melda shook her head.

"I hope not. None of them have very happy endings. For any of us." Merlin sighed, looking out the window.

"Let's talk more later," He offered. "We need to get ready for the feast right now." He grimaced. "Arthur's making me wear this stupid servant outfit." Melda laughed lightly.

"I get to be a guest," she teased. "And you get to pour wine." Merlin shoved her shoulder, laughing as well.

"You have to talk to people and watch them sign that treaty they've negotiated. I only have to put up with Arthur." 

Melda got up from the bed. 

"Good luck with Arthur tonight," Melda joked, dodging a thrown pillow as she left the room.


The treaty had been signed, and the visiting lord was presenting King Uther and Arthur with goblets as a gesture of good will. Melda's attention was taken from the scene when she saw Merlin leave in a rush with a pretty handmaiden she didn't recognize.

Melda couldn't place the young woman face, but she was sure she'd seen her before. It was like a hazy memory, and she couldn't place the young woman. She was unsettled, watched the door they had exited through. the visit lord, Bayard raised his glass in a toast. Everyone did the same.

"To your health," Bayard said with a small smile. Everyone was moving to sip their drinks when Merlin burst in.

"Stop!" He cried. "It's poisoned!" He rushed to Arthur and pulled the goblet from his hand. "Bayard put something in it." Melda pushed back from the table and rushed towards Merlin. 

"This is an outrage!" Bayard cried, and he and his men drew their swords. The Camelot knights and guards did the same.

"I'll take care of this," Arthur assured his father. He moved around the table to fall in step with Melda as they walked closer to Merlin. "Have you been on the gin again, Merlin?" Merlin said, though his lighthearted tone didn't mask the concern in his voice. He took the goblet from Merlin's hand.

"Unless you want to be strung up, you will tell me why you think why you think it's poisoned now," Uther said, tone low and dangerous.

"He was seen lacing it," Merlin said stubbornly.

"By whom?" Uther asked, half dismissive and half interested.

"I can't say," Merlin stuttered out. Melda felt her stomach drop as the king's expression closed down.

"Pass me the goblet," He demanded. He looked to Lord Bayard. "If you're telling the truth..."

"I am," the lord said calmly.

"Then you have nothing to fear, do you?" Uther asked. Bayard reached for the goblet, but Uther pulled it back. "No. If this does prove to be poisoned, I want the pleasure of killing you myself." Uther turned and held the goblet out to Merlin. "He'll drink it."

"But if it is poisoned, he'll die!" Arthur cried. Melda felt as though her throat was closing up.

"Then we'll know he was telling the truth," Uther said dismissively.

"Uther, please! He's just a boy! He doesn't know what he's saying!" Gaius cried, getting up and moving to confront the king.

"Then you should've schooled him better," Uther said coldly.

"Merlin, apologize," Arthur demanded. "This is a mistake. I'll drink it."

"No, no, no, no, no. It's, it's alright," Merlin said. He sent a smile in Melda and Arthur's direction, and took the goblet from Uther. He toasted the lord, and then Arthur and Melda. She resisted the urge to dash the liquid from his hand and watched with bated breath.

"It's fine," Merlin said after a moment. He smiled slightly, before his hand came up to his throat and a horrible choking sound escaped him. 

With that, Merlin collapsed. 

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