Chapter 1

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Melda watched, transfixed, as the executioner raised his axe. For a breathless moment, the dull metal glinted in the sunlight as it was raised high. Then, the blade fell and neatly beheaded the man on the block. 

She watched in silent horror, chest tightening. A hand in her's made her jump before she realized it was just Merlin. Melda turned to look at her brother, who's expression was just as troubled as her's.

The pair of them had left their village because Merlin was struggling to conceal and control his powers. At least there the town was small, and the worst that had happened was Merlin being treated with a wide berth. Here, Merlin could be killed. She opened her mouth to say something, but Merlin shook his head. Not here.

The sibling's silent exchange was interrupted when King Uther, who had been watching the whole thing, raised his hand for silence.

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help magic was driven from the realm." His gaze swept the crowd. "So I declare a festival to celebrate twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin!" But instead of a cheering crowd, a single wailing voice answered him. An older woman in rags was revealed as the crowd parted. 

"There is only one evil in this land, and it it not magic! It is you! With your hatred and your ignorance!" She cried, pointing an accusing finger up at the king. " You took my son! And I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son!" 

"Seize her!" The king cried, but the woman chanted a spell and vanished with a gust of wind and smoke. 

"Let's go," Melda said quietly. Merlin nodded agreement, and the pair made their way towards the entrance of the castle.


The pair asked around, and eventually found Gaius, the court physician. Merlin and Melda stepped into the apparently empty room, glancing around.

"Hello?" Merlin ventured. A startled cry from above them drew both of their glances, as an older man in a robe tripped backward and broke the railing. As he began falling, Merlin held out a hand. The man's fall slowed, and Merlin's eyes darted around the room.

"There!" Melda said, and Merlin followed her point to see a bed. He moved this with a gesture as well. When the bed was in position time returned the normal, and the man crashed into the bed. He looked confused for a moment, before looking over at the strange duo.

"What did you two do?" He asked, voice slightly panicked.

"All him," Melda said, pointing. Merlin swatted her hand away, struggling to respond.

"Tell me," The man who had to be Gaius said impatiently.

"Nothing!" Merlin protested. "I have no idea what happened!"

"If anyone had seen that..." Gaius warned. Melda flashed back briefly to the beheading of the man outside.

"No! That was nothing to do with me," Merlin insisted. "That was..." He trailed off, looking for an answer that wouldn't make him sound like a lunatic or a magic user.

"I know what it was! I just want to know where you learned how to do it!" Gaius snapped. Melda held in a sigh of relief when she realized Gaius wasn't going to turn him in. 

"Nowhere," Merlin said. 

"So how is it you know magic?" Gaius asked, half curiosity and half accusation.

"I don't." The lie was clearly a falsehood, even without the face Melda made from beside him.

"Where did you study? Answer me!" Gaius demanded. Melda stepped forward and put a placating hand between them.

"He's never studied magic nor been taught," she said calmly. Gaius turned on her, still angry.

"Are you lying to me?"

"No!" Melda said, now the one on the defensive.

"I was born like this!" Merlin said, trying to back her up.

"That's impossible! Who are you?" Gaius said, now sounding unsure if this was some kind of trick or practical joke.

"We have this letter," Merlin said, reaching into his bag and holding it out the Gaius. The man took it, before looking back at the two of them.

"I don't have my glasses," he said.

"I'm Merlin, and this is Melda," Merlin said, gesturing between the two of him. Recognition flooded Gaius's face.

"Hunith's children?" He asked.

"Yes!" Melda said, relived they were finally getting somewhere.

"But you're not meant to be here till Wednesday!" Gaius said, now back to annoyed at the perceived slight of someone arriving earlier than had been planned.

"It is Wednesday," Merlin said, confused. Gaius blinked, then the confusion left his face.

"Right then. You better put your bags in there." He gestured toward two room that were off of the main one. 

"You won't say anything about..." Merlin trailed off, unsure how to put it. 

"No. Although, Merlin, I should say thank you," Gaius said, offering the young man a small smile. Melda felt some of the tightness in her chest ease. They were safe with Gaius at least. She brought her things into her room, already composing a letter to her mother in her head.

'Dear Mother, you have the strangest friends...'

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