Chapter 2

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The next morning, Melda had awoken long before Merlin. She had fallen into a bad habit of only sleeping for a short amount of time, as a way to combat nightmares. She found Gaius awake and preparing some herbs.

"Here," She offered. "Let me help." Gaius handed her a mortar and pestle and some leaves. She began crushing them into a paste. There was a long silence before Gaius spoke.

"And what can you do?" 

"What?" Melda asked, though she already knew what he meant.

"Hunith wouldn't have risked both her children on the journey if only one of you was exceptional. Why are you here?"

Melda focused in on the work her hands were doing, and thought for a moment.

"It's a long story," she said finally. "It has to do with a curse, and my own magical abilities. I wasn't born with it, like Merlin, but I do have some."

"A curse?"

"Yes," Melda said. She didn't expand on it, and Gaius didn't ask for answers. They finished the work quickly, and Gaius sent her on an errand with a promise to talk with her and Merlin about employment later.

It took Melda about an hour to deliver all of the poultices and cures Gaius had asked her too, but she eventually made her way back towards the castle. She was brought up short by the sight of Merlin having a stand off with a young man in partial armor right outside the front entrance. She moved closer, and caught some of their conversation. 

"-I know you?" The other man was asking, his tone implying he already knew the answer.

"I'm Merlin," Merlin said, holding out his hand.

"So I don't know you," the other said, nodding to himself like he needed to confirm it twice. "Yet you called me 'friend.'"

"That was my mistake," Merlin said, never having been one who knew when to back down.

'Yes, I think so," the man said.  Melda could see the amusement on his face was giving way to annoyance. She hurried over, just too late to stop Merlin from saying something else.

"Yeah. I'd never have a friend who could be such an ass," he said. Melda sighed internally, then again in relief when Merlin turned to walk away. She started to join him, but the other man wasn't done yet.

"Or I one who could be so stupid," he said. Merlin stopped. 

"Don't," Melda hissed. She was on the verge of winning, when the man called out again.

"Tell me, Merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?" Merlin turned at that, angry now. Melda turned as well, cursing the man and his family under her breath.

"No," Merlin said, stepping closer again.

"Would you like me to help you?" The man asked. Melda knew his type. He had know power all his life, and lording over others was funny, a pastime. There had been a few of them in their home village.

"I wouldn't if I were you," Merlin warned, though the threat sounded empty.

"Why? What are you going to do to me?" The man taunted, laughing. Merlin, still charging ahead, didn't seem to care. 

"You have no idea," he said.

"Be my guest! Come on! Come on!" The man cried. Merlin seemed to think better of using magic, and threw a push so sloppy a child could have blocked it. The other man did, twisting Merlin's arm behind his back. 

"I'll have you thrown in jail for that," The man said, now angry, not amused.

"What, who do you think you are? The King?" Merlin taunted. The smirk that returned to the man's face told Melda the answer before the words had even left his mouth.

"No. I'm his son, Arthur," the man- Arthur, said. He waved some guards over, and Melda decided to step in.

"Hey, leave my brother alone!" She snapped, stepping closer. Arthur passed Merlin off to the knights and turned to face her.

"And what? You'll punch me too?" He laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Maybe," Melda said, but the prince only looked more amused. She grit her teeth, clenched her fist, and socked the smirking prince right across the face.


She and Merlin ended up in the same jail cell. The irony of it almost made her laugh. 

"That was a good punch," Merlin said, drawing a smile from her. 

"Don't," she warned. "I'm still mad at you. Why do you never back down from a fight?" Merlin shrugged.

"You're the one who punched him for real." 

Melda didn't dignify that comment with a response. She was about to scold him again when Gaius entered.

"You two never cease to amaze me!" He said instead of a greeting. "The one thing that people like you two should do is keep your heads down, and what do you do? You behave like idiots."

"I'm sorry," they chorused, sounding like they had when they'd been naughty as children.

"You're lucky. I managed to pull a few strings to get you both released," Gaius said. The siblings exchanged glances.

"Thank you!" Merlin said, looking excited. Gaius gave them a disapproving look.

"Well, there is a small price to pay."


That prince turned out to be Merlin in the stocks. 

"Why don't you have to be in here?" Merlin complained, trying to look up at Melda from where he was.

"Because they only have one, and you started it," she said, before sticking her tongue out at the stink eye he gave her.

"I'll get you back," Merlin promised. 

"I know you will," She said, before stepping aside so the children of Camelot could pelt her brother with rotten vegetables.

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