Rut or Rape?

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(Flashback to Jungkook's Past)

4 years ago

Location: Ship Oregon's
Jewellery section

❃normal Jungkook
Italics Jimin

❃normal Jungkook❃Italics Jimin (Throughout)

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"Jungkookie, can I have that?"

Take it...

"And that?"


"Do these look good on me?"

"Do these look good on me?"

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Yes Angel. They do

"Can I have that one with emeralds... That's so beautiful. I love emeralds more than diamonds but you don't seem to have them here"

Fine emeralds it is... I will order to open up a store for the same in my ship Ariel, it's still under maintenance but she will be sailing soon

"Really daddy?"

Yes kitten. As you wish...

"Then wear this one"
Jimin gives Jungkook his favourite emerald ring

From now onwards, I will cherish these green ones more than the others

*Jimin blushes*

"Oh! The bill is becoming too much. Umm... Ok I will just have this one"

Just one?

"Yes.. I guess"
(Pouty and pretending)

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