Chapter 37

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The frown on Gigi's face deepened as she continued to stare daggers at the building in front of her. She slid down further in her seat with her arms crossed and huffed, "We're supposed to be on vacation right now."

"No, we're supposed to be here right now."

"You said at Thanksgiving we would go somewhere."

"And we still will... after your appointment."

The annoyed look on Gigi's face started to crumble, her stubbornness giving way as the mask she tried to uphold started to reveal the true feelings she tried to hide. She hated the building in front of her, she hated the instruments and machines, the people, the things that occurred there, mostly she hated the dreaded news she would possibly receive by stepping foot inside the place. As strong as she tried to come off, as much as she tried to show confidence in Aubrey's words to her from Thanksgiving, she was still scared to receive the same news again, scared to fail Aubrey again, and scared to let the small flicker of hope she had dared to allow herself to have to be snuffed out. Gigi swallowed the lump in her throat not even bothering to disguise the wavering in her voice, "Can't-- can't I just wait in the car? Do I have to go in?"

With a sigh, Aubrey leaned over and placed a hand at Gigi's cheek turning her head to look him in the eye. "No Baby Girl you can't. I know you're afraid but I'll be there with you the entire time and the twins will be there as well standing guard so nothing's gonna happen to you. I can promise between the three of us, nothing will happen."

"I'm not...It's not me I'm mostly worried about..."

Like Gigi, Aubrey's eyes trailed down to her stomach and silence filled the cabin of the car. He had spoken nothing but encouraging and positive words since finding out she was pregnant, trying to lift her spirits and help her believe everything would be okay, that things wouldn't turn out the same as before, yet, now that the moment was here, he couldn't help but let an inkling of fear creep into the darkest recesses of his mind as well. He too remembered the past where he had tried to maintain a hopeful outlook and things did not turn out how he had wished. In Toronto, when Gigi told him about their son, he had hoped their child had still lived left at the orphanage all those years or adopted away by some family long ago, but his dreams had been dashed when he stood face to face with a tombstone that bore his son's name. At Kat's news of Gigi possibly being pregnant, he believed it was the opportunity to make amends with her and try again for the family they had always dreamt of but never had. Yet that too fizzled away at the doctor's news that Gigi had been pregnant and had miscarried. Now, here they were, again, together neither one wanting to bear the pain of losing a third child. That simple threat made every second that passed by sitting in the car feel like a blaring alarm of emergency in Aubrey's mind. "That's exactly why we have to go in there Gi. We won't know anything unless we go in. I know it's hard but you can do it... you can do it for our baby."

Instantly, it felt like Gigi's flicker of hope lept to a flame at Aubrey's words. 'Our baby' how long had she yearned to hear those words from him, how long had she wanted to feel the stir of life in her again, to be on the precipitate of this life-changing event with the man she loved, and how long would she make her child wait, to possibly put at risk because she was too fearful of a future that may not even come to pass? "O--okay," she nodded more so as reassurance to herself, "L--let's go in. I can do this."

"We can do this. I love you." Aubrey placed a kiss on Gigi's lips and gave a squeeze to her hand, he opened the door to the SUV prompting Gunna and Killa to exit as well with Gigi slowly but surely sliding out of her seat to join them in the parking lot. Together, the small group moved quickly, entering the building. Despite their early appointment to avoid prying eyes, it seemed several other patients were being seen as well for the day by other doctors in the practice. Aubrey yanked at the brim of his hat keeping his head low and pulled at the collar of his jacket to hide more of his face as he held onto Gigi's hand even tighter. "I still wish you would have let me close the building down."

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