Chapter 3

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Before Kat could diffuse the situation, OB leaned into the table with his eyes boring into Gigi's.

"Let's get a couple of things straight Gi."

Shit. Okay, come on Kat. Shut this shit down, now! Think, think, think!

"I may have spent the majority of high school getting baked, but there are plenty of things that I remember." Gigi stiffened in response swallowing a gulp in her now dry throat as OB gave her a knowing wink.

Hold up, hold up, hold up?! What was that little wink for? Her and OB were together? Or, does he know something about the situation between her and Drake? If Gi is going to leave me in the dark about this, I'll do my own investigating. Let me see how far I can let this go before all hell breaks loose.

"Also, things have changed since you've been around. For example, I only smoke six times a week instead of seven now." Gigi could only roll her eyes. She knew where this was going. "And finally, I am doing something with my life." OB crossed his arms and held his smug chin in the air. "I'll have you know that I am now an agriculturalist of cannabis sativa."

Kat and Gigi shifted their eyes between each other and OB trying to decipher what his new occupation was. When she saw the OVO guys stifling smiles and laughs, and remembered who exactly she was talking to, it clicked. "You're a weed farmer!"

"Yep!" OB replied with a goofy smile on his face. "Technically I am an investor but that's what I'm working on and I'm going to make you one of my first customers Gi. It's pretty obvious you need it." A small smirk appeared on Gigi's face. Typical OB, always taking an insult and flipping it to a joke. The days she hung out with him were never dull. Some days she was chasing him around the house after one too many lewd jokes. Other times, they would roast each other for hours forcing everyone in the house to declare a winner of the day. But when the two teamed up using their forces for evil, everyone suffered. The YOLO estate became a house of pranks orchestrated by the dynamic duo to terrorize the crew for weeks. But it wasn't all wild memories. Sometimes it was just the two of them at night sitting by the poolside with their feet dangling in the water. OB discussing his dreams for the future and Gigi her fears. He was the only one she could share her angst with. His smoked induced wisdom that came in silly metaphors always put her at ease.

"Sure OB, if it'll help your business, I'll be happy to be your first customer."

Hmm, OB can make Gi laugh. Okay, laugh is a bit of a stretch but he got a smile out of her at least that's what it looks like she's trying to do with her face. Doesn't quite mean relationship status but it's obvious there was a friendship there. Let's see if 40 can reveal something.

"Well, this is turning into quite a little reunion. 40, how long have you known Gi?" Gigi gave Kat a knowing look. It was obvious her friend was digging to understand exactly what her connection was to the men of OVO. "What? You never mentioned them and I'm your best friend, just making casual conversation."

"I've known Gi for a while. Not as long as OB and Aubrey, but it's been a good little minute. How have you been anyway?"

Gigi turned her eyes to Noah, Aubrey's longtime producer known to the world as 40. Like OB, Noah was there from the start taking a chance on Aubrey and his sing-song raps. In turn, Aubrey took a chance on 40 and his unique beats. In a small Toronto studio, the two would hunker down and go into hibernation mode. They pulled mattresses in and friends dropped off food. Cell phones were either silenced or turned off completely. The brief times that Aubrey slept, Noah stayed up to fine-tune each song. He worked with relentless effort to deliver a masterpiece. It was from this work ethic he received his moniker, 40 Days and 40 Nights. Noah was such an integral part of the music that one could argue without him there would be no 'Drake'. Since day one, Gigi had always had a connection with him. Both introverts, it seemed like they operated on another wavelength. They could have conversations with one another without even speaking. A simple look they could give each other and an entire conversation would happen with none the wiser. He too had been a brother to Gigi always the voice of reason and someone she could also go to for advice. Someone she felt she could always trust. How could she not grace him with a smile?

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