Chapter 51

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"Hello, I don't believe we've met." The young girl jutted out her chin and lazily held out her hand as she looked down her nose at Gigi. "I'm Jorja Smith." She had an air about herself. The typical ridiculous degree of confidence you have when you're young and haven't experienced anything in life but think you know everything. That ego of being told way too often that you were a pretty girl who could get any guy. The stupidity and audacity to approach a grown ass woman whose patience was running thin and was clearly in no mood for pretend pleasantries.

Before she could even get a word out, Aubrey stepped in front of Gigi. "Jorja not now."

"I only wanted to meet--"

"Not now." A look of surprise came over Jorja as she shut her mouth clearly not used to Aubrey speaking to her like that or not getting her way. Brusquely, he pushed past her pulling Gigi along with him to the exit. As soon as the door shut leaving them alone in the back parking lot, Gigi turned on him and released her mounting frustrations through gritted teeth, "You better tell your little girlfriend to fall the fuck back approaching me like that."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Whatever the fuck she is, I will lay her ass out if she steps to me again."

"Leave her alone," he leaned against the brick wall of the building with his hands in his pockets. "She's just a kid and she's not what tonight is about..." he hung his head low as he tried to put aside the mounting feeling he was failing to accomplish his goal and gathered the courage to speak, "She's not what I want to talk to you about."

Pacing back and forth, Gigi was too irate to see Aubrey was trying to throw in the towel on their argument. "What?! Do you want to accuse me some more of sleeping with my co-worker?! Was that the point of inviting us here?!"

Triggered by her words, Aubrey pushed himself from the wall and charged towards her until they were standing face to face. "You! I invited you! Not that clown ass nigga you brought! What the fuck were you even thinking bringing him here?!"

"The invite said plus one and he's my plus one! Thus, you invited us both! And what is your fucking problem with him?! He's done nothing but be a friend to me and try to be cordial to you even though you've been a complete asshole to him!"

"So you defending him now?!"

"Yeah, just like you defended your little bald headed bitch!"

Suddenly, the back door swung open and an irate Chubbs stormed out, "Get in the car! Get in the fucking car right now!" Their shouting could be heard through the door of the club so he was sure anyone on the street would be able to hear their argument loud and clear. Being the head of Aubrey's security didn't just mean keeping him physically secure but keeping the business and brand itself intact and this wasn't Europe, they were in New York, home to some of the most disrespectful paparazzi who had no qualms recording a personal disagreement and plastering it all over the internet for the world to see. Chubbs rushed the two into a nearby SUV while keeping an eye out for any photographers. "Either finish it in here or walk away we're not about to have a continuation of Paris." He looked squarely in Aubrey's eyes and spoke, "This is not what tonight is supposed to be about." With that, he slammed the car door shut and stalked off back to the party letting the metal door clang behind him leaving Gigi and Aubrey sitting on opposite sides of the vehicle staring out the heavily tinted windows stewing in their anger.

The silence in the cabin of the car was suffocating. Not being able to take it any longer, Gigi spoke, although the venom in her tone revealed she was far from done arguing with Aubrey. "You're so hell-bent on me sleeping with Jason... maybe I should."

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