Chapter 19

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"I can't do this!"

"Yes, you can. You're fine."

Gigi could feel the tension starting to build in her temples. She sat rubbing the sides of her head trying to relieve the pain becoming more frustrated by the second as her massaging seemed to do anything but help. "How would you know?!"

An exasperated sigh came from the speaker of Gigi's cell phone, "Because I'm your therapist and I see you every week."

Once again Gigi was enwrapped in a sense of deja vu. She found herself in the exact same place with the same frayed nerves trying to prepare herself for a confrontation with the same person. "I just have a bad feeling about this. I've been here before and know how this is going to end."

"That was before Gigi before you told him anything. This is now. You're both coming in much more aware than before. You need to change your mind frame. If you go into this expecting a fight, expecting the worse, then it will most likely happen. We've talked about this; do not subconsciously set yourself up for failure. Be optimistic; go in with a clear and positive mind."

"I just don't know how to go about us talking without--"

"Let things flow naturally, don't overthink everything." Although she was thankful for Dr. Ross' words and knew she was right, Gigi couldn't help but roll her eyes and mockingly mimic the good doctor's sage advice. It was a lot easier said than done. "What was that?"

"Nothing! I just--I feel like I'm going to throw up, my head is hurting--"

"Dear you're overthinking this so much you're going to give yourself a panic attack which is common for patients with PTSD but seeing as that hasn't been a symptom of yours I advised you to, how do I put this simply, put your big girl panties on and deal with it! Relax and be open to everything." With a click, Gigi was left to the noise of her thoughts crashing around in her mind. She took several deep breaths and finally punched in the gate code of the YOLO Estate.

As she pulled into the driveway her phone chimed showing a text message from Kat. The message was simply a link. Before she could click on it, Kat's name appeared across her screen. Gigi clicked on the green circle and before she could get a word out, heard Kay's blaring voice.

"Bitch what is this?!" Gigi yanked the phone away to relieve her ear of the high pitched squeals.

She tapped the speakerphone icon on her screen, "Hello to you too Kat. What--"

"Don't avoid the damn question, what is this?!"

Gigi could feel the tension in her head start to come back, she really did not have the time or patience to deal with Kat's antics but she knew there was no getting her off the phone if she didn't comply at least a little. "If you're referring to the link you literally just sent me, I have no clue. Can you give me a second to read the damn thing and then I can answer your question?" As Kat continued to squawk and yell in her excitement, Gigi tapped on the link which sent her to TMZ's Instagram. The latest post had a white background with a title that read, in big, bold, black letters, "Drake Cheated on Rihanna?!" "Kat what does this--"

"Read the caption bitch!" Gigi grumbled as she scrolled down to read the paragraph-long caption.


If you're like us, you're still reeling from the break-up of the century of Drake and Rihanna. We all thought this time it was going to work between the two especially since he proclaimed his love for her to the world (and seemed ready to propose) at the MTV Video Music Awards in August. It's left us all wondering what possibly could have gone wrong and now we think we may have the answer. Last night, Drake celebrated his 30th birthday with a private dinner at Nobu Los Angeles. Unlike the star-studded birthday bash he threw for himself the night before, the guest list was more exclusive including only a small circle of family and friends. However, there was one guest that stood out amongst the rest. Paparazzi were able to catch a glimpse of an unknown female not part of the usual faces of the OVO crew. According to one of the employees who served the party last night the mystery woman seemed to be familiar with everyone in Drake's crew and is on a first name basis with his mother Sandi Graham. They also emphasized how the rapper and woman appeared to be very close to one another. Now we could simply say she may be a family member or a friend, however, photos were taken of the same woman leaving Delilah Restaurant the night before...the same night and place as Drake's celebrity-filled birthday party. Although the last of the party goers could be seen leaving around 2:00 am, Drake and his lady friend did not exit out of the building until about 4:30 am where he then gave her his jacket while they waited for the valet. She must be someone special to be with the OVO Headliner two nights in a row during such important events. Still don't believe there may be more to their relationship? Well back in August, when Drake and Rihanna were still a thing, we reported Drake following after an upset woman leaving Delilah and although we only have partial pictures, we believe it's the same woman and just weeks later an insider confirmed Drake and Rihanna's relationship was over. So, is this Drake's new boo? Did she have something to do with the breakup between the two stars? Slide to see the pictures our photographers caught on all three nights and judge for yourselves.

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