Chapter 29

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Gigi's hand instinctively reached up and started fiddling with her ear. In one swoop, she could have both of earrings off and a fist ready to knock the shit out of him.

"Yo man you out of pocket today!" Gigi caught the look Envy gave his co-host as if to say back off however Charlamagne simply shrugged in response.

"Did you forget she is a guest sir?!" Angela jumped in and reprimanded as well causing the three hosts to go back and forth amongst each other.

Gigi closed her eyes and took in several deep breaths. Jesus give me patience because if you give me strength, I'll use to beat his ass! As much as she wanted to, Gigi knew that throwing hands in the studio or cursing him out on national radio was not the way to go about handling the situation. She needed to maintain a sense of professionalism and decorum as whatever she did would reflect directly back on her businesses and she was not going to let some pathetic, little man threaten her bag. Gigi realized she could handle the situation in two ways. The first would be to call off the interview and walk out, however, it would give him exactly what he wanted: the satisfaction of knowing he got under her skin. The public would also have a field day calling her weak for not standing up for herself, laughing at how she got chased out of the interview, creating even more rumors about her and Aubrey. Simply leaving the interview would be interpreted that she was sexually involved with him as many people would take her silence as a clear confirmation. Her second option was to continue with the interview and get it focused back on her and her companies not who she was or wasn't fucking. She'd show she wasn't easily rattled and could hold her own. She'd be able to do what she set out to do and that was to promote herself and her brand.

"What?! What?! It's just a question?! Y'all attacking me and I'm only asking what the people want to know!"

"Charlamagne you are out of control! She's not answering that! You do not have to answer that!"

"I don't plan on it!" Gigi looked to Angela as she slightly rolled her chair closer to the female host. She grabbed her mic and pulled it closer to speak. "Ladies in New York is this what y'all have to put up with?! I hope the men up here aren't all like this!"

"Now, now, now it's just a question. Come on we're all grown here."

Gigi shook her head as she continued to speak "Y'all are different up here. You talk like that where I'm from and your head would get taken off."

"Oh yeah, and what rough and tough suburbs are you from Sweetheart?"

Gigi sneered at the sound of hearing him call her by such endearment. She cocked her head to the side and looked directly at him. "None. I'm from Third Ward in Houston."

"That makes sense; Drake seems to have a thing for hood--"

"You know I find it very interesting how all of your questions revolve around him." Gigi frowned as she placed a hand under her chin and pretended to contemplate, "I don't think you've asked me one question without mentioning Drake's name. Honestly, it's a little weird, kind of obsessive. I don't know any man who's that concerned with the life of another man. I mean unless it's like a crush or something. Do you have a crush on him...or is it something jealousy? Are you jealous of Drake?"

"Hell, no I don't have a crush on that man! I like women! And what the hell would I be jealous of?!"

She could hear the tightness in his voice and his pitch going higher and higher. Gigi sat back and smiled to herself knowing she hit a spot on his fragile masculinity. "No need to get offensive, Charlamagne, remember we're all grown here."

"Whatever. What about Thanksgiving I saw the photos of you and Drake up here."

Finally, an opening to bring it back to why I agreed to this interview in the first place! "I don't know about him but I was here as the choreographer for the Radio City Rockettes segment of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and their annual Christmas show the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. It's been running for a few weeks now. Everyone should go out and see it as it truly lives up to the name spectacular. If you have a little dancer in your family or are looking to start a new holiday tradition the Radio City Rockettes are where it's at. Tickets can be purchased on their website and showings run through December twenty-eighth."

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