Chapter 32

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It was the week of Christmas and Gigi had heard very little from Aubrey but read much about him. She found herself getting more comfortable with her Instagram and when she scrolled through her feed there were tons of posts from several gossip blogs about him. Upon setting up her account, Kat created had selected several pages for her to follow and of course, TMZ, Bossip and The ShadeRoom were her top picks. Gigi had been so busy with preparing for the Vegas show and avoiding Aubrey that she had never got around to unfollowing them. Many of their posts for the past several days had revolved around Jennifer and Aubrey. Neither of the artists made public comments but pictures on their Instagrams implied love was in the air. Dinner at Delilah, snuggling together on a couch, even video of them dancing together and kissing had all been floating around the internet. Fans wondered if there was new music on the way or a budding romance occurring. Some commenters questioned what happened to him and Gigi which caused the Beyhive to go on a rampage in the comment sections at the sight of her name. The month was almost over and Bey's fans were still going in on her Breakfast Club interview leaving bee emojis and comments whenever she would post on her feed which was still rare. Although Bey had reached out to Gigi asking if should intervene as she hated seeing her fans come for someone she considered family, Gigi declined as her and Kat's plan had been working perfectly, pulling the hate from her businesses and onto her personal account.

"Gigi, I'm ready for you."

Locking her phone, Gigi looked up to see the familiar face of Dr. Ross. She gathered her purse and walked into the doctor's office taking her place on the couch.

"It feels like it's been forever since we last talked." With her therapy sessions down to once every other week and her trips to New York and Vegas causing constant rescheduling, it had been a while since Gigi was able to meet with the good doctor to discuss and sort out her life.

"Yes, work has been pulling me everywhere but it's a good problem to have."

Dr. Ross grabbed her glasses and slid them down the bridge of her nose and she peered of them. "It can also be a bad problem if it's being used as a distraction."

"I... don't feel like I've been doing that. I've been doing my exposure therapy which has been causing me some stress but I've been tackling my issues...mostly."

Dr. Ross lifted a brow as she jotted down notes on her notepad, "Care to explain."

"Seeing him has been...interesting to say the least. It was or is difficult but in some ways... it's been easy. In some ways, we fell right back in place like nothing ever happened. It was initially awkward but it wasn't forced it just...happened and that's the problem." Gigi leaned forward placing her elbows on her knees as she looked at her hands and spoke. "Things happened between us, major things that, for most people, would be unforgivable and the thought of entertaining the idea of having anything to do with each other afterward is unfathomable as it doesn't make sense at least it wouldn't make sense to any sane person." Gigi placed her chin in her hands and huffed as her mind floated thinking of all the time she had spent with Aubrey and how it drastically stopped with his introduction to J.Lo which threw another wrench into Gigi's confusion about her ex. "And now there's this new person that's come around and I don't know how to feel about it."

"Is this new person a romantic interest?"

"I don't know!" Gigi threw her hands up in frustration. "We went from talking every day to me receiving a text from him yesterday after weeks of silence and originally I thought that's what I wanted but I'm struggling. It's because of all this that I-- I'm deciding to end my exposure therapy. Being around each other...complicates things...for both of us...complications neither of us needs nor have time to deal with and... I just don't see the point in doing it anymore. I'm fine now, the stress he once caused doesn't happen anymore. He knows what he needed to know-- what he deserved to know and he seems to be dealing with it fine, so I think it's time to stop the charade and walk away."

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