Silent Shot Part 9

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This is a part of a short series that took place in the first book so if you haven't read that go and read! And sorry that this took so long! It was a little messed up and it took me forever to go fix it. I've lost the future plot things for this so I'll have to go back and reread my own book to remember where I wanted this to go 😂 sorry! Enjoy!

Your POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache, remembering almost everything except after the machine was turned on. It must've worked if I can't remember anything. All my senses started coming back to me and so did all the pain. My head was hurting because I was punched and so I must've gotten hit pretty bad for it to hurt this bad. My knee felt even worse though. It felt like two whole buildings on fire landed on it. I looked down to see a knife in my same knee and I'm so used to this kinda thing happening that it didn't phase me. There was blood all over the floor Bucky and I cleaned earlier today. But that wasn't the only thing on my mind. I can't stop thinking that Hydra can make me do anything. I was now a puppet and had no say of anything. My freedom gone, my family gone, my life gone, and me, well I'm just broken and torn. I killed innocent people! I've taken fathers and mothers from their kids! I've caused people grief. Maybe I do deserve everything coming towards me.
I started crying thinking about all of this.
"Rebooting" I heard from the ceiling. Friday was coming back.
I cried for around 2 more minutes when something by me started sturing.

Bucky's POV

I woke up, my head killing me.
"Ow" I said under my breath as I sat up. I remember everything except for some things. But I do remember hurting Y/N. Y/N!? I frantically look around. My eyes landing on a red eyed, broken, sad, hurt, and bloody Y/N. Holy Cow!? There was a KNIFE in her knee! Did I do this!? How could I?! She was so sweet and well I guess not so innocent.
"Hey Bucky." Y/N said, giving me a small smile.
"Hey." I said back still in shock.
"I know what you're thinking and you did not hurt me. Not on purpose at least. Hydra made you. It's not your fault." Y/N said knowing exactly what I was thinking.
"Thank you but I still want to say sorry for not protecting you in the first place."
"You tried your best. And that's all I could wish for." She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.
"Thanks." I gave her a smile back. "Why were they here though?" I don't get it. They didn't take me or Y/N?

Nat's POV

We got back earlier than we thought we would. We were expecting a big fight but when we went there, there was nothing, just an abandoned building, it was weird. We walked into the common room expecting to see Bucky and Y/N watching TV or something. What we didn't expect was to see nothing. Friday was apparently rebooting? And the whole tower was more quiet than usual. Pepper was in a meeting and Bruce was in the medbay working.
"Do you think they're still working out?" Sam asked.
"Maybe, let's go check." I said. I was a little worried but I wasn't going to let it show.

We got into the elevator and went a floor below to the training room. The elevator doors opened and it was a mess! Worse than when we left.
"What happened?" Tony asked.
I started walking farther down when I saw something that broke my heart. Sitting against the wall was Bucky and Y/N. Bucky looked exhausted and a little hurt and Y/N looked hurt and had BLOOD covering her knee and the floor below it! I gasped and ran to their side. Everyone heard my gasp and ran over letting out their own gasps of horror.

"Complete." Friday said in the background.
"Friday tell Bruce to get the medbay ready!" Tony yelled out.
"Will do."
Peter ran over to Y/N with a concerned look on his face.
"What happened!? Are you ok? That was stupid you obviesly aren't! Who did this?!" Peter frantically asked.
"Hydra came and attacked us. They turned me into the winter soldier. After that I woke up and saw Y/N. We haven't been able to move and since Friday was still down we couldn't get help so we stayed here." Bucky said looking down in shame. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it trying to comfort him.
"After Bucky was turned into the winter soldier I tried fighting. That was almost impossible. I was hit in the face then crashed to the ground after I was kicked in the knee behind me. Something happened then they hit me uncounsions I think, then I woke up with Bucky next to me." Y/N said but she was hiding something. She didn't tell us what happened before she was knocked out.
"Ok let's get you guys to the medbay." Steve said.
Steve picked up Y/N and Peter and Sam went and helped Bucky up and walk to the elevator.

Your POV

We got to the medbay and I was rushed to Bruce. Bruce took a look at me and had Friday run an injury scan. Bruce asked if I wanted to be in a different room to get stitched and all that but I decided everyone had their own fair share of injuries and that they would be fine to stay and see me get stitched.
"Y/N what did you mean something else happened before you were knocked out?" Nat asked, looking very curious.
"Right... hydra was actually after me. Not Bucky." Everyone had very confused looks on their faces. "When I was little my parents died as you know. They were killed in front of me by Hydra. After my parents were shot they took me. I was raised and taught in Hydra. They gave me the super soldier serum. They tried to control me like they did with Bucky but it never worked. I had to pretend to be under their control so they wouldn't kill me or worse... torture me. Being tortured wasn't new but it still hurt really bad. I had to kill innocent people." A tear rolled down my face. "I escaped a couple weeks ago. They're after me. And the reason why I wear gloves is to fit in. At age 11 they cut my arm off." As I said that I took my gloves off and pulled my sleeve up to reveal a metal arm with a Hydra symbol on it.
"Oh my goodness!" Nat said with sympathy in her voice and face.
Bucky got up out of his bed and came over to me with tears in his eyes and hugged me.
I started crying and hugged him back. Everyone joined in and at that moment everything disappeared.
Everything was fine.

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