No Heart

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I actually came up with this one on my own!!! You don't know how excited I am 😂!
Oh and so I don't have to write this the reader is an assassin for Hydra. She was assigned to the Avengers. She has no conscience, no emotions and no heart but that changes. She gets taken by the Avengers and becomes friends with them. She hates what she used to be. Peter makes her feel things like emotions and she finally feels like she has a heart.

Your POV
It's been two months since I arrived at the tower. Everyone has been so nice to me. Wanda and I have become like sisters. My life is so much better than what it used to be. My days consist of having breakfast with my new found family and friends, training, sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for Peter to come back from school, hanging out with Peter till dinner, and then the movie night with the avengers, then more hanging out with Peter than finally getting ready for bed and talking to Wanda, who is like my sister, about my feelings towards Peter and all that. It was not a bad life. I couldn't imagine it any other way. But all good things come to an end.


Peter was at school today again so I was on the couch  watching my favorite show Criminal Minds (I had too!). I was enjoying the nice peaceful time when all of a sudden Tony and Steve walk in heading for the elevator.
"He really does?" Steve asked surprised at what Tony told him before I could hear them.
"Yeah but I have to tell you I'm not a fan. It's not her... well actually it is her." (Sorry that may not make sense and when you find out who their talking about please know I don't hate this character. Nothing against them I just need it like this)
Steve and Tony chuckle before walking into the elevator having it close behind them.
That was sure interesting.
"Y/N!!!" Right as I started to watch the show again Wanda comes in.
"Yeah Wan?"
"I told you not to call me that. It's weird."
"Whatever you say." I said.
"Seeing as you're happy I'm guessing you don't know?" Wanda looks nervous like what she's trying to ask or say would hurt me or something.
"Um heard what?"
"Okay, I don't know how to tell you this but... Peter has a date tonight." Wanda looks down almost whispering the last part.
"WHAT!?" Peter has a date tonight!? With who!? He didn't ask me? Did he? No he couldn't have I haven't gotten any texts. Was that who Steve and Tony were talking about? Why didn't Peter tell me?
"S-sorry what?"
"I asked are you going to be okay?"
"Oh y-yeah." I looked down feeling bad lying to her.
"Everyone's headed to Shawarma, do you want to come. We'll get back around the same time Peter does."
"Actually I think I'll stay here. Eat some left overs and finish my Criminal Minds marathon."
"I'll tell the team. I'll see you after okay?"
"Yeah." After my short reply Wanda walks out. I was alone in the tower with my own thoughts. What was I going to do?

Text Message
Peter: Hey I won't be home tonight till later. Going on a date with MJ😊. Sorry

Y/N: Oh it's fine have fun.


Third Person POV
Peter comes back to find Y/N on the couch acting unusual. Peter walks up to her a little cautious not knowing what mood she was in.
"Hey Y/N."
"Hey." Y/N was acting more hostile towards him. Not on purpose but out of habit.
"What's wrong?" Peter had some sweat rolling down his forehead.
The team walked into the kitchen without Y/N and Peter seeming to see or hear them.
"Nothing." A little too hard Y/N turns back to the tv.
Peter looked over at the tv then to Y/N.
"Have fun on your date?" Y/N was actually quite interested but her tone showed something else, something more cold.
Peter got defensive and had this look of hate in his eyes. He grabs the remote for the tv and shuts it off. No one noticed but his veins turned an unusual black color.
"Oh I know exactly what this is about! It's about me and MJ's date isn't it? Why do you care about that little date!? You don't like me! And I don't like you! I didn't think this was going to be a big deal! You don't even have emotions or even a heart! Your not like us your a heartless monster!" Peter was practically shouting.
Her mouth drops then closes and she looks down, a cold glare on her face.
Peter looks at her shocked. He head what he said and couldn't believe it. What was he saying!?
His black veins went back to their color and his eyes softened.
"Y/N... I'm so so so sorry." Peter says slow and apologetically. "I was upset I didn't mean any of that. I don't know why I said that. I don't think of you like that." Peter had hot tears trickling down his face falling onto the cold floor of the tower.
Out of the corner of the room everyone watches in horror and confusion when Wanda says something.
"Peter, sorry won't fix what you did. You just broke her heart! How could you?" Wanda couldn't believe he said that. It wasn't like him to be so, so insensitive.
"It's okay Wanda... he can't break what I never had, right Peter?" Y/N asks hurt.
Peter and the team were speechless.
Y/N turns around to leave with a blank expression but 5 seconds later a tear rolls down her cheek. The first tear she's ever shed. All because of a stupid boy.

This was weird and stupid sorry 😅

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