Verrat (draft)

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"Y/N come back! Please let me explain!"
We walked into the compound as he tried to make me stop and listen. All heads turned to look at the rare sight. But at this time who cares if they heard. I turned around sharp with a glare that could haunt someone's dream.
"You tried to kill me!" How could he? Why? This wasn't him. He was a hero for goodness sakes! He saved people he didn't kill! He wouldn't even hurt a fly. But as I said those words everyone stood up alarmed. They hadn't expected the fight to be about that. Some stood shocked, some looked at us as though one of us would laugh and say that we were joking. But this time it wasn't a joke.
"Y/N I'm sorry! I never wanted to hurt you. You need to trust me. Please." Peter grabbed my hand looking me in the eyes. His own chocolate brown eyes pierced me. He looked scared and confused. But he shouldn't be scared or confused! He's the one who tried to murder his own girlfiend!
"Don't start with me Peter! If you really were sorry and didn't mean to hurt me then why did you try and get rid of me? Hmm?" Tears started to spring into my cold dry eyes.
"Have you just been lying to me this whole time?" I was heartbroken.
"I- I can't think straight! I need to go." I ran out of the room and out of the building. I wanted to be alone.

"Peter what the heck was that!?" Tony came and pinned Peter to the wall like a bully would do with his prey.
"Tony I know what it sounded like and I swear I would never have actually killed her. I swear!"
Pete blurted out in a nervous wreck.
"But you were pretending to?" Nat asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
"Well kind of. It's hard to explain. Especially pinned to the wall." Tony eyed everyone before setting Peter down. Peter went and sat on the couch. Everyone gathered around him like a herd of lions spying on their dinner.
"Explain." Steve was mad. He had thought Peter was like him but after hearing this he didn't know what to think anymore.

I kept walking. At this point the sun had started to go down behind the tall trees that had shaded me from the ever so slowly dying sunlight. I had walked off into the wooded area of the compound's ground. I loved taking walks in the trees every so often. It made me feel comfortable and safe. But this time felt different. I couldn't put my finger on it but the air felt different. Instead of the nice cool breeze that brushed against my face, the wind nipped at my ears making everything inside of me feel numb and icy. Not the best feeling in the world. I forgot a jacket due to me not being in the right state of mind before I left. I was shivering but wasn't going to go back because that would ruin my point. It was getting darker and darker as I walked deeper into the woods. I had managed to get to an area where I haven't explored yet. I didn't mind at first seeing as this place would be beautiful in the spring and fall. Not so much in the winter. Everything was silent. The birds were absent and the wind had come down to a low woosh. Small white flakes slowly made their way to my head. It was snowing. I was lucky for now seeing as the snow was barely getting through the thickness of the tree's leaves. The moment the wind would pick up would be the moment I'd get hit by thousands of tiny snowflakes. I probably should get back to the compound before the snow picks up more. I knew I should but I couldn't. I'm still pissed at Peter! I also didn't want to go near him. What if he tried to kill me again? I hated that I was now scared of him. I felt confused and lonely. He was my boyfriend. I was scared of him. He tried to kill me. Why did he try to get rid of me?
"It wasn't your fault." That voice. It couldn't be. I turned around slowly. My eyes were acquainted with the brightness of his red face. It was surprisingly bright because it was red. I wanted to tell a joke but I knew this wasn't the place or the time. Or even the right person.
"I don't need to be told what I already know from someone like you." I glared at the tall figure.
"But you're lying. You believe it's your fault that your tiny boyfriend tried to kill you." He had a smirk on his devilish face.
"I didn't lie! It's not my fault and I know it! He betrayed me!" I was getting worked up all over again.
"You're right. He betrayed you. He knew what he was going to do all along. He looked at you in the eyes and told you everything was going to be alright. He said he loved you. Then he put a gun to your head."
I look down. He was right.
"To be willing to kill me he would have had to be planning this for ages. He got close to me to kill me? All this time he's been lying! Is he even a superhero? Has he been using us to get rid of us? Will I be the first to go before everyone else?" I didn't realize I was talking out loud till Red Skull replied to my mumbling.
"The smell of growing revenge. How sweet. You're becoming more and more like me." He breathed in the cold air. I remembered who I was talking to and knew I needed to take him down but I needed help. He was still a villain and a strong one at that.
"Oh shut up I'd never become like you. And you're boring so imma leave." I threw all my sass at him. He deserved it.
I started backing up not wanting to turn my back to him. I got far away before I turned and ran. He couldn't catch up. He was a lazy grandpa. I was going to be safe! I saw the compound in the distance. A shot rang out and pain shot through my shoulder. I yelped. Blood was covering my whole upper half. I had twigs in my hair. Steve, Bucky, and Nat came out right as I reached the edge of the trees. I screamed for help. They turned in panic and saw me covered in blood right before something behind me rammed, most likely a gun, into my temple. Ouch.

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