Date Night Part 2

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Yay part two!!! Let's hope this is good 😂

Peters POV
I woke up to the sound of rushing water coming into the car. It was getting higher and higher every second. I looked over at Y/N to see her still knocked out cold. We were lucky we got Fury to let us drive his car or else the windows would've shattered and let in all the water which would've caused us to drown before we could even wake up. My right side kills me but it's not to bad. I'm lucky I have my powers. But Y/N doesn't have powers! Crap!
I unbuckled and went to Y/N.
The water was to Y/N's neck already. She had blood on her side of her head. She most likely has a concussion. The airbag had popped when the door came crashing in. The steering wheel was in pieces. Metal and wires were sticking out. Luckily the wires are at the top of the car and aren't in the water yet. The metal was everywhere though. Both of us had cuts all over us, ranging from tiny to big ones. I grabbed at Y/N's seat belt unbuckling it pulling Y/N up so she wasn't under water. We were sinking lower and lower and the water was almost filling the car. I pulled Y/N over to the passengers side and made sure she wasn't in the way of my foot while I try to kick the window down so we could swim to the surface.
I kicked once hopping that was enough, but to my luck it only cracked more making water come in faster than I would like.
I tried again and it finally came out.
With the window opened the water came rushing in trying to take Y/N and me with it to the back of the car.
I grabbed on to the side of the car and kept my grip on Y/N tight. The water settled and I started to swim to the top hoping we'd make it in time.

After a lot of swimming we made it to the surface. It was dark, the stars were shining and the air felt warmer than the water did. I looked around to see we were only 10 feet away from some sand. (I've never been to the Niagara Falls before but let's just pretend there sand at the bottom like a beach 😂)
I dragged Y/N over to it and placed here down.
I looked over at Y/N to see here still out cold.
We need help. We won't last the night but my phone was in my pocket which is currently soaked.
My mind remembered it was tired before the accident and decided that it needed to sleep. So with one last thought my mind went into a dreamless sleep.

At the Tower 5 Minutes Before Accident
"Shouldn't Y/N and Pete be back by now?" Clint asked looking at Tony walk into the room.
Natasha gave Clint a glare knowing what he said would only make Tony more worried.
"Yesss! They should be! I don't know what happened to them!" Tony was pacing the room waiting for a call on his phone or message from Peter saying they had a flat tire or something.
"Can't you just track them?" Bucky asked not looking up from his book. He was trying to hide his worries for the teens.
"I promised Peter I wouldn't track him after the whole carnival thing happened." Tony said taking another look at his phone.
"First of all stop pacing and..." Nat started but then Clint finished.
"And second, what happened at the carnival to make you, Tony Stark the second mother of the group, to stop tracking Peter!"
Tony stopped walking and looked at everyone's waiting stares.
"I also promised myself that I would never talk about that day again. But I guess I could track him this once."
Tony cleared his throat before asking Friday to track Peters phone.
"It seems Peter and Y/N are at the Niagara Falls sir. But I just lost all connection to him." Friday told a worried Tony.
"Oh how fun! The Niagara Falls are so pretty!" Wanda said looking at Vision. Vision got the little message and told Wanda they'd go sometime. Wanda turned back to Tony with a happy smile on her face.
Tony started walking away when Sam coughed to get his attention.
"What?" Tony said turning around to see everyone still looking at him.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Sam said looking at everyone.
"Um..." Tony pretended to think before answering his question.
"Nope! Bye!" Tony sped out of the room before they could protest.
"You knew he was going to do that." Cap said going back to his drawing.
"Anyways if they are in trouble it's probably better to have Tony go by himself so he gets there faster." Everyone rolled their eyes at Steve before going back to what they were doing.

Third Person
Tony was in his suit flying to where Friday said the last signal was.
"How close am I Fri?" Tony said nervously.
"Two minutes sir."
"Thanks Fri."
As Tony got closer he saw something unusual.
"What happened here?" The guard rail by the road was destroyed. There were tire marks all over the road. The whole scene looked like a mess. Pieces of metal scattered all around the road.
Tony flew over the cliff to see if he could spot anything.
"Friday scan for the car." Tony asked wanting to know what happened and if there's any survivors.
"They're appears to be a black SUV at the bottom. No signs of life detected." Tony knew Peter and Y/N we're in Fury's car so when Friday said that it raised alarms in his head.
When she said there wasn't any life down there Tony's heart calmed down.
"Time to search for the people in that car."
"Sir what about Peter and Y/N?"
"Well fri if we're lucky then they'll be around here somewhere but if we're even luckier than they'll be somewhere near by with a flat tire."

Your POV
I woke up cold. I was on the ground with? I think water. I look to my right to see Peter laying down looking at the stars his eyes barely open.
"What happened?" I asked not being able to sit up because of all the pain.
"All I remember is getting hit by that car and getting us out of the car and the water."
"I'm guessing I wasn't awake since I don't remember that." I said laughing a bit before stopping and coughing.
"You all right?"
Nope. "Yep. As good as any could be after something like this.
"I'm sorry."
"What for?" I ask looking at Peter.
"Just for forcing you out of your hole of loneliness." Peter looked at me smirking.
"I would totally push you over if I could stand."
"Harsh." I rolled my eyes at Peter before looking back at the sky.
"This will probably be my most memorable date in history." I laughed.
"True." Peter laughed with me before we both stop because we were both out of breath or coughing.
"Ouch." Laughing still hurts.
"You took the words right out of my mouth."
"You think anyone will come looking for us?" I hope. I didn't want to startle Peter but I think a little blood came out when I coughed.
"They will. They have to." Peter sounded like he was losing hope in ever getting back.
Tiredness started to overcome me. I shouldn't fall asleep but taking a little nap never hurt somebody?
"I'm going to sleep for a bit. Goodnigh..."
Right before I fell asleep I could here Peter try to tell me something. He could tell me later.

Peters POV
"Y/N! Don't fall asleep!" To late. Darn it!
No one will come looking for us. Even if they do we'll be gone. Y/N fell asleep and I'm starting to fall asleep.
I think I'll just close my eyes for a bit too.

Tonys POV
They're around here somewhere...
They could be anywhere!
Who am I kidding! They could only be in one place. The only beach (?) there is in this place! I'm an idiot. (I legit don't know what I'm doing with this ending 😂)
There they are! Oh crap! They look bad.
"Fri tell Bruce to get the medbay ready and tell Rhodey to get his but over here! I'm going to need help."
"Already on it sir."

So I think I'm going to do a part 3 instead of have this part go on forever 😂
Hope y'all are having a good day!

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