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So it's been way too long and I'm sorry. For some reason I just can't find it in me to write. I am a little more busy too and stressed and tired so that may be why but anyways this ones like really short ( I thought I'd start small and work my way up). 😊🙂 Oh and I got this idea from Pinterest (image above ^)

Third Person POV
Tony came strutting into the common room seeing Peter on the couch eating ice cream out of the container and watching criminal minds.
"Uhh Peter?"
"Yeah Mr Stark?" Peter looked up at Tony with his sweet innocent puppy dog eyes.
Tony stood there for a bit before finally coming out of his little haze.
"What are you doing up at.... what time is it?" Tony said trying to look at the time from across the room.
"I don't know? Pass me the saxophone." Peter pointed at the saxophone that some how appeared by the couch.
Tony picked it up confused at why he needed this and how it was supposed to tell the time.
All of the sudden Peter plays the Spider-Man theme song the loudest it could possibly go.
"WHO IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT 2 IN THE MORNING!!!!????" Nat yells from across the whole level of the tower.
"It's 2 a.m Mr Stark." Peter turned back to his show as if nothing happened.
Tony was trying to contain his laughter when someone came storming out of their room and shouting.
"You woke me up you idiot!!!!" Y/N whisper yelled at Peter than throw a sandal that she had in her hand at him, hitting him in the head. As she stormed out Tony couldn't help it anymore and started laughing nonstop.
"Ouch." Peter said rubbing his head than turning back to his show and shrugging .
"She'll forgive me tomorrow or in a couple of hours." Peter stood up and put the finished ice cream container in the garbage.
Tony shook his head at how alike they were to him and pepper. It was almost scary.

Peter Parker Oneshots Book 2!Where stories live. Discover now