Waiting for Santa

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It was 6 p.m and I just finished the dishes after dinner. Me and the kids were on the couch watching a Christmas movie and having hot chocolate.
"Mama when's Santa coming?" Benjamin asked.
"Aren't you curious when dad gets home?" I ask smiling and laughing a bit.
"Papa always comes home a little after we go to bed. So when does Santa come?"
"Well Ben he comes when you little hooligans fall asleep." I tell Ben and Kate.
"What time is it?" Ben asked sitting up from his position.
"Um, looks like it's 6:10." I say looking at the clock. Peter should be here in 3 hours.
"Kate and I are headed to bed! Goodnight mama." Ben grabbed Kate's arm and rushed them to their room before I could say anything.
"Someone's in a hurry to get presents." I laugh and went and tucked the kids into bed before sitting one the couch and watching a chick flick.


It's been more than three hours. Why hasn't Peter shown up yet? Maybe he's just picking up the last of the Santa gifts I asked him to get. Yeah that's it he's just getting the presents.

Peters POV
"You mind letting me go?" Come on.
"Why? Ya have somewhere to be little bug?" My so called kidnappers (don't know how it's spelled) said.
"Actually I promised my wife and kids I'd be home before Santa comes." I say while grunting in pain.
"Little spider isn't really little is he?" Guy number one taunts. "I think they'll understand when they find out your dead." Guy number 2 adds. Guy number 3 hasn't really said that much? Hm?
"G-guys maybe we've done enough to him. We should go." 3 replies.
"Y-you should listen to him. He seems like he has a brain." Ugh I still have to get the presents. Crap! Y/N is probably worried sick!? Has she called Tony!? Actually I wouldn't mind if she called him. I could use some help.
Guy number one glares at me before turning to guy number three. "You going soft Gale? Say one more thing and you'll end up like this spider."

Your POV
I'm calling Tony! It's been 4 and a half hours!
The phone rang before Tony answered.
"Tony it's me"
"Oh hey Y/N! Why are you calling? Not that I mind it's fun talking to you."
"Have you heard from Peter? He hasn't come home!"
"He hasn't come home yet? That's not like him! I'll check in on him."
"Thank you."

Tony's POV
This kid needs to stop staying out late he's worrying everyone around him!
"Take a right at the light sir." Friday said.
I take a right and look in every ally in this street. I almost lose hope when I hear a yell.
Crap!!! That's Peters scream!

Third Person POV
The two kidnappers start kicking Peter in the stomach. Making Peter scream and cough up some blood.
"Please. I need to get back." Peter whispers because he's out of breath.
"And why should we listen to you huh?" Guy number 2 replies.
"G-guys!!!" Gale starts running to the other 2.
"What!" One says a little angry.
"John Kyle we need to go! Iron Man is flying this way!" Gale screams.
Guy number 2 now known as Kyle freaks out and starts running with Gale.
Peter has hope. He would get help and be able to head home! Only that's what he thought. John (Guy one) takes out a gun and points it at Peters head.
"Look like someone decided they should save you. Too bad it's too late." John says smirking and pulling the trigger.
As Tony came flying into the ally he sees Peter collapse to the ground. Blood coming from his head and mouth. Tony let John escape because he was in shock of seeing Peter.
"No no no no nooooo!" Tony screams running out of his suit.


Y/N stood up and headed for the kitchen. She decided that she could do dishes while she waited. She turned on some Christmas music and got started.

Tony called the team. He had them take the lifeless Peter to Bruce. They all were sad and heartbroken. Tony knew after this day no one would be the same. They lost their light.
But he knew the hardest part would be telling Y/N that her husband is dead. She had two kids. She loved Peter. This would be the end to her normal cheerful self. Her kids would grow up without a dad and a heartbroken mother.

Y/N's music was interrupted by a knock on the door. She was curious to who would be at her house this late at night. She checked the peep hole (don't know what it's called XD) and saw Tony standing there. Looking down. His usual smirk and confidence gone. He looked broken. Something in Y/N clicked and she had a terrible feeling she knew why he was here in person and not with Peter. She prayed that Peter was at the medbay being healed from an injury and that he wasn't completely gone.
She opened the door with shaking hands, labored breaths, and wobbling knees.

Tony looked up and broke. He cried and told her what happened. That he was to late. That her Peter was gone. She collapsed onto her floor. Crying, screaming, people probably heard her cry's of sorrow all over town. Her kids came out to see what happened but saw their mother on the floor crying her heart out.


The parkers moved into the tower after that day. The kids were raised by their aunts and uncles and their mother. It took the team months to finally laugh and smile without feeling like they betrayed Peter. They told Ben and Kate that their dad was watching over them in a better place now and that he loved them all so much. For Y/N it took her one month in her own apartment and four months in the tour to finally be healed. She missed Peter but knew he was there with her. It also helped that she saw bits and pieces of Peter in her kids.
Every year the big family would go and visit Peters grave. It was sad but they all eventually healed. But always and forever they all have a tiny piece of their heart with Peter.

I did it y'all! Haha. I finally got a story out! Yay. Hope you all are having a good holiday! Don't really know if that sounded right? Oh well bye! ❤️

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