The Case Part One (Requested)

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This will be a short story with Peter in criminal minds. This was requested by @angelinamonje!
Hope this is ok!!!! I wrote this pretty late so I was really tired 🥱
Here are some characters names because if you haven't seen this show it will get confusing because they get called by their first and last name.

Penelope Garcia
Aaron Hotchner (Hotch)
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau (JJ)
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
I love Rossi and Gideon but I think imma just leave them out of this one sorry.

Peter's POV
I got to the BAU hoping this day was going to be normal. We'll as normal as it can be knowing I'm a special agent in the FBI and deal with serial killers and other crazy people all day almost everyday. But there was something off. Ever since I left New York and the avengers nothing has felt right, like something was wrong but I pushed it off thinking that it's probably just home sickness.
But oh how wrong I was.


Third Person POV
"Reid!!!" Penelope came bouncing into the room.
"I have something for you!"
Reid looked a little taken back by the mysterious gift he was getting. But it wasn't unusual, Penelope loves giving her friends gifts and surprises.
Penelope's hand disappears into her purse then pulls out a small blue cat sticker.
"You got me a sticker?" Reid was looks confused but also happy? It was hard to tell.
"Not just any sticker. This is a sticker of a cat saying 'me-wow'!
"You know I'm not a child." Reid rolled his eyes playfully at Garcia.
"Fine, I'll take it back." She looked sad but went to put the sticker in her purse again.
"No, I earned this back off." Reid snatched the sticker out of her finger and held it close to his chest.
Garcia laughs when Peter comes walking in.
Peter looks around at everyone's amused faces a little confused.
"Did I miss something?" He looks at everyone and JJ shrugs her shoulders, Morgan chuckles and shakes his head no.
"Garcia gave Reid a sticker." Hitch replies trying to hide his smile.
"Can I have a sticker!?" Peter flips his head to Garcia.
"Hmm..." she looks at Peter a with a little smirk on her face.
"Please!!!!" Peter, even though he wasn't a child wants a sticker. He gives Garcia puppy dog eyes and she eventually breaks.
"Fine! You can have this baby panda sticker." She grabs the sticker and puts it in Peters hand.
"Thanks!" Peter couldn't stop looking at the sticker.
Before anyone could say anything else Hotch got a message about another case in.
"Ok team we head to the debriefing room we have another case."

Peters POV
"So where are we going now?" Emily asked curious as to where this one was taking them. Maybe it was Hawaii. That would be nice.
"New York." Hotch replied turning back to the case folder.
Oh crap!
"Peter are you ok? You kinda went frozen and your face looks paler." Why did you have to notice JJ!?
"Uu-m it's n-nothing." No one looks convinced crap. Please don't ask anymore!
"Okay?" Morgan turned back around not convinced but didn't ask which made everyone else turn back.
"Ok so our victim is a 22 year old female who was kidnapped over a year ago. Her names Y/N. She has H/C and E/C eyes. Last seen was at a cafe near the avengers tower. Wearing (your choice of outfit). She has no biological family left but lives with her biological dad at the avengers tower. Yes this is Y/N Rogers so we will work with the avengers and shield on this." Before Hotch could go on Emily stepped in.
"If the avengers and shield are working on this then why do they need us?"
"Good question Emily. It's because they can't seem to find anything after a year so they thought new eyes and minds could maybe help them." He replied knowing this was going to be asked.
"I-is... do t-they know if she's s-still alive?" How could this happen!? And over a year ago!!!??? N-no! Why! How come they didn't tell me? I can't lose her... not again.
"They don't know. But knowing this was a year ago... the possibilities of her being alive are slim." Everyone looked deep in thought. Reid was looking at me though. I could feel his eyes on me almost felt like he was looking into my soul.
"Peter, do you know her?" Spencer asked.
"Did. And yes." A single hot tear slowly rolled down my face hitting the picture of Y/N in my hand.
I'll find you Y/N. I promise.

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