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I'm back! But idk how long it's going to take for another story. But anyways this one is the remake of the previous story. Starts off the same but takes a different turn. I have to say I like this one more then the previous draft. Enjoy!

"Y/n, come back! Please let me explain!"
We walked into the compound as he tried to make me stop and listen. All heads turned to look at the rare sight. But at this time who cares if they heard. I turned around sharp with a glare that could haunt someone's dream.
"You tried to kill me!"
How could he? Why? This wasn't him. He was a hero for goodness sakes! He saved people he didn't kill! He wouldn't even hurt a fly.
But as I said those words everyone stood up alarmed. They hadn't expected the fight to be about death. Some stood shocked, some looked at us as though one of us would laugh and say that we were joking. But this time it wasn't a joke.
"Y/n, I'm sorry! I never wanted to hurt you. You need to trust me. Please." Peter grabbed my hand looking me in the eyes. His own chocolate brown eyes pierced mine. He looked scared and confused. But he shouldn't be scared or confused! He's the one who tried to murder his own girlfriend!
"Don't start with me Peter! If you really were sorry and didn't mean to hurt me then why did you try and get rid of me? Hmm?" Tears threatened to spill out my cold dry eyes.
"Have you just been lying to me this whole time?" I was heartbroken.
"I- I can't think straight! I need to go." I ran out of the room and out of the building.


"Peter what the heck was that!?" Tony came and pinned Peter to the wall like a bully would do with his victim.
"Tony, I know what it sounded like and I swear I would never have actually killed her. I swear!"
Peter blurted out in a nervous wreck.
"But you were pretending to?" Nat asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
"Well kind of. It's hard to explain. Especially pinned to the wall." Tony eyed everyone before setting Peter down.
Peter went and sat on the couch. Everyone gathered around him like a herd of lions spying on their dinner.
"Explain." Steve was mad.
He had thought the kid was like him, nice and respectful to women, good hearted, and kind but after hearing this he didn't know what to think anymore. Tony would have laughed if he had heard Steve's thoughts.
"I was black mailed. There's some people who said if I don't kill Y/n then they'd set off nukes throughout the city."
The room fell silent.
"I can scan the city and search for the nukes." Tony said looking at Peter like he was dumb.
"No, not these nukes. I don't know what specifically they are but you can't just find them that easily."
"So let me guess. Since you didn't want to kill the whole city you told these mysterious people that you would kill your girlfriend. But you don't want to actually kill her so you were going to pretend? How did you think she would react?" Nat looks over at Peter examining his reactions.
"Well I don't know! I was just going to put some powder in her drink at the restaurant to make her fall asleep then move her to a safe house, but she didn't drink any water. So I was just going to take her to the safe house and just hide her there till we could take down the bad guys." Peter looked nervous at everyone knowing his plan sounded stupid as he said it out loud.
"Idiot. You actually thought that would work? Ugh you should've just come and talked to us before making an irrational decision." Tony said, rubbing his forehead.
"I know I know. I need to fix this. I'm going to go after her."
"Yeah you do." Nat laughed.

Peter grabbed a coat for Y/n seeing as she left the compound and it was snowing. She had to be cold being in the freezing weather at night. She was going to be pissed at him. For a good reason too. But he didn't want her mad. He wanted her.


The snow wasn't stopping anytime soon. The trees around me began to thicken as I continued to walk through the forest. In my rage and confusion I forgot to grab my coat on the way out. Part of me never wanted to see him again. He tried to kill me. But then the other part of me wanted him to run up to me and hold me and tell me he wasn't thinking right or something. That he still cared for me. I don't know if I'd forgive him but it would show me he cared. I hoped he'd come to get me from this frigid storm. I knew I needed to head back, but the snow made that hard.
Suddenly the atmosphere changed and the cold soft weather turned icy. The forest went dark and the only sound was of the wind and the shaking trees. Every breath in hurt. The feeling of pins and needles poking and prodding at my lungs. The presence of an unknown figure stood only a couple feet away. The snow covered his face like an invisible veil.
"Who are you?" My voice cracked from my sobs and dry throat.
The figure didn't say anything. I stepped back unsure of him.
He stepped forward. No response to my question.
I stepped back two more steps. He stepped forward two steps.
I knew if I didn't run then I'd be in trouble, and yet my feet stayed still as he stepped closer. As he came near his face began to uncover. It was just Peter. The fear I had slowly started to leave, but not completely. Something was off and I couldn't tell why.
"Pete? Why are you here? Why didn't you respond to my question earlier? You scared me."
No reply.
His face was pale, mimicking the snow rushing from the sky. His usual warm eyes were now dark. The safety I usually felt in his presence was gone. Replaced by an unseen shadowy presence. I steady my breath trying to give off a calm persona. If something was wrong then showing how scared I was would only make my escape more hard. If I stayed calm like usual then I could get away without too much struggle.
    "I forgot I left my phone over there." I pointed in the direction behind me not exactly sure why I lied to him.
I started stepping back slowly, scared that if I moved too fast he'd grab me like a lion grabbing its prey. After putting a couple feet between us I turned around and sprinted. I don't know why I ran but I didn't stop. I couldn't. Something wasn't right and I knew it. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the familiar sound of running through snow. He was chasing me.
My feet carried me as far as they could with the little energy I had left. I tripped over a root sticking straight out of the ground, hidden by the inches of untouched snow. I look up to be greeted by the edge of a cliff. Instead of the hate I had for this root I was thankful for it now. I wouldn't have seen the edge and ran right off it if the root didn't trip me. The branch saved me. I stood up but grimaced as I put pressure on my right leg. My ankle was throbbing in pain. The burning sensation made me forget the reason I ran until I saw Peter walk up to me out of breath.
    "Peter, tell me what's going on. This isn't you."
He looked down at his hand. It was grasping a thick stick. Nothing was making sense.
    "Pete. Talk to me please." I was begging for him to reply.
I was granted my wish.
    "It's for your own good."


"Tony, Nat, Steve, anyone! Please help!" Peter came running inside. His hair sticking to his forehead.
"Kid? What's wrong?" Steve asked, worried at the sight of the distraught teen.
"It's Y/n. She tripped and fell off the cliff." Tears ran down his pale face as his knees buckled. The mask he had put on disguised his emotionless self, like a veil covering a dead body or the truth of what happened being buried in the purest of snow. Never to be told.

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