Takes one shot

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Peters POV
It's our wedding day! I'm so nervous but I shouldn't be because I'm finally marrying the girl I loved since ... well I actually don't know. That's not the point though. Everything is going to be perfect! My parents and brother flew in yesterday from Washington and Y/N's family arrived two days ago. All our friends are here and we have a chocolate fountain for the reception! Could this day get any better?!

Third Person
(I don't know how this goes. I've seen one wedding and another one on flash. So sorry if this is wrong)
Peter stood at the front of the room. (I have no clue! This is sooo bad.)
Peters groomsmen standing behind him. His brother Henry, followed by his cousin Max,and after Max stood Peters best friend, Kyle.
Everyone was seated when the music started. Everyone's eyes went to the doors that the bridesmaids came out of. They were wearing sage green dresses with white orange flowers. The first bridesmaid was Y/N's sister April followed by Y/N's friend Madi, and lastly B/F/N (best friends name) , Y/N's best friend.
Peters eyes started to tear up as he sees Y/N walking out with her beautiful white dress. Her hair pulled up/or down/or half up or down. She looked stunning. Peter has the biggest grin on his face the whole time Y/N was walking. She finally made it up and the music stopped, everyone took a seat and Y/N gave her flowers to April. Peter grabbed Y/N's hand and looked at her in the eyes. Peter was happy and wished he could just freeze time right there. But after a couple of seconds the guy that officiates them (again no clue) came up.
Blah blah blah... skip boring stuff I don't know
"Do you, Y/N M/N L/N, take Peter Benjamin Parker to be your lawfully wedded husband...etc?"
"I do."
"Now Peter Benjamin Parker, do you take Y/N M/N L/N, to be your lawfully wedded wife...etc?" While the guy was finishing his sentence up Peter had a feeling. He didn't know what it was but he felt like something was off... like something was missing?
"I-I d..."
At that moment a loud shot rang out and Y/N was on the ground bleeding out.
"Y/N!!!" Peter jumped to the ground next to you to some how help you. Before he could hold you though everything around him started to disappear and someone was pulling away.
Peter looked around to see metal walls all around him. He was confused when he was pulled into a hug.
"W-what's going on?"
"Pete. You've been missing for a week!" Peter looked up to see Tony!? His memories we somewhat coming back but he still felt really confused.
"I'm sorry body. I should never had left you alone! Especially after losing someone you cared about. I left you to deal with it and then you were kidnapped by hydra and they tortured you before putting you into a fake world. They made you think everything was fine when it wasn't and the only way to get you out was by shooting the robot but you saw Y/N... and I hated to have to let you see that again after having to witness that only a couple of days ago..."
Peter was trying to comprehend what Tony was saying but decided he'd figured it out later.
"It's ok Tony."
"I'm sorry." Tony took Peter to the ship where everyone was waiting for the two to come back... alive.

Ok so that was confusing but Peter was kidnapped and tortured by hydra. They put him in a fake world where him and Y/N would finally get there happy ending. It sounds like they were trying to help but they weren't because right as they got married hydra would have killed Y/N, the robot, very slowly in front of Peter and Peter only saw Y/N not the robot so he would have to go through watching you die for the second time in that week. You were shot the morning before Peter was kidnapped. Peter tried to save you but couldn't. You died from lose of blood. And then Tony comes in, kills the robot aka Y/N, releasing Peter from the world and taking him home safely.
Sorry very confusing. I'm writing this at 12 am. I'm tired but I just had to write this before I lose it.
And I have no clue when I'll update again. Sorry!
Luv you guys !!!

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