Oceanic Blues

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Kurfürst: Well, since I didn't see any of you during my stay in Ironblood all those years ago...may I get a formal introduction?

Cleveland: Right! I'm Cleveland, lead ship of the Cleveland class cruisers

Helena: I'm Helena, Brooklyn class cruiser

Hammann: I'm Hammann, Sims class destroyer. You better remember that lady!

Kurfürst:...if you were one of my daughters, I would smack you

Hammann: As if I would let you do that you rusted scrap heap!

Enterprise: Hammann...

Hammann: ?!

Enterprise. You talk to my aunt like that again, nothing is gonna stop me from tearing your ears off

Hammann: (scared) I hear ya loud and clear!

Kurfürst: *in Enterprise's ear* I can handle myself you know

Enterprise: I wasn't going to sit back and let my aunt be ridiculed

Kurfürst: Hah! That's my girl!

Kurfürst hugs Enterprise, who hugs back, barely able to get her arms all the way around.

Helena: Anyway, I radioed in to let them know we're bringing back a guest, should I...?

Enterprise: No, I want it to be a surprise

Kurfürst: I don't think that's wise...ah to hell with it!

Cleveland: Well you'll find your fun soon, I see the base from here

Sure enough, the port of Pearl Harbor is just ahead, basking in the morning light, almost welcoming the ships back home.

Kurfürst: *sniff* ah~, that is a smell I have missed

Enterprise: What do you mean?

Kurfürst: I have been here many times in my days, just me and the actual navy's fighting the sirens back to back, 'twas a pleasure to fight alongside all those brave men and women...

She let loose a tear at the memory, but quickly wiped it away.

Enterprise: Well, they'll be in for a shock once I show them who's here

Kurfürst: I just hope I don't get shot on sight

Enterprise: With your armor? I doubt even Bismarck could scratch you
?: Big sis!

Cleveland: Hey Columbia!

The sisters hug, before some other ships arrive at port.

?: Welcome back everybody!

Helena: It's good to be back Javelin, now then-


Javelin: Eh? Oh no, Laffey!

Behind the British destroyer, Laffey was passed out on the ground.

Helena: Anyway, before we contin-

?: No no, before YOU continue, did you push yourself again?!

Enterprise: U-uh, well...

Helena: Vestal, give her a break

Vestal: I'll give her a break when she takes one herself!



Enterprise: Thank you. Helena?

Helena: As I was trying to say, we do have a guest that came with us back to port

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