The Call

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Friedrich:'re THAT old?!

Kurfürst: I am

Scharnhorst: I don't mean to be rude, but how are you still alive?!

Kurfürst: That's because of the Wisdom cube giving me Biological Immortality

Bismarck: That...makes sense, but the cube needs to be used on a ship that's been built before it produces the person. If you're that old there shouldn't be a ship of your caliber in existence

Kurfürst: you remember what I said about me being the guinea pig for Wisdom cube research?


Kurfürst: They drew plans for a ship of incredible power and defense, simply to test if it will produce a powerful did

She sighed, before clapping her hands together.

Kurfürst: Now then, no need to be so melodramatic, tonight is a night to celebrate!


Friedrich: Ooohhh...

Kurfürst:*sigh* I warned you...

Kurfürst was resting her hand on her sister's back, as she hurled into a toilet.

Kurfürst: You girls doing ok?

She looked to the side and noticed Bismarck and Eugen leaning against the door, both wobbling a bit and clearly drunk.

Kurfürst: Jesus...alright, you two can get home can't you?

Eugen: I...I say yeaah~...

Kurfürst:...Clearly not

Z23: I'll take them back, there's a reason I don't drink when they do

Kurfürst:*mutters* At least one of you's responsible...

Z23 left with the two while Kurfürst picked up Friedrich, who was finally done in the toilet. She carried her back to her room before heading outside and looking at the moon.

Kurfürst: It's still surprising that someone walked on that thing, I never thought it possible but look what Humanity has done


She leaned against the railing, narrowing her eyes and appearing threatening.

Kurfürst: I know you're there

From behind a nearby tree, a Siren android walked out and into view. Kurfürst turned around and looked at it, as it's face never changed.

Kurfürst: So what's a Siren bot doing here of all places? Did they send you to kill me? Subdue me?

The android walked closer and raised its hand, palm up. From its palm, a large hologram sprung up.

Kurfürst:'s been many years hasn't it Empress?

Empress: Oh please, we're friends! You can call me by name and you know it

Kurfürst:*grits teeth* I'd rather burn in hell than call you a friend Arbiter

Arbiter: That's a shame...after all these years you still hate me

Kurfürst: And you know damn well why

Arbiter: Yet you still never question the how...yes I did it, but how did I do it?

Kurfürst: Does that matter? She's dead!

Arbiter: Are you sure of that?


Kurfürst: What the hell are you on about?

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