The Start of Something Big

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Arbiter: Is the trap set?

Alpha: It is, when Kurfürst arrives and puts her guard down, we can strike

Arbiter looked into the camera, watching as Crusher and Washington fought in the bay of Pearl Harbor.

Arbiter: Good, that's all I needed to hear

Alpha left the throne room, and Arbiter continued watching the fight.

Arbiter: Soon Mathilde...soon

Back in Pearl Harbor, Crusher was locked in a stalemate against Washington. Their hands were grasped in each others, while Washington's cannon held back the mace.

Washington:'re pretty damn tough ya know?!

Crusher: Ngggh...

Crusher knee'd Washington, slamming down her mace which was dodged. Washington backed away and fired at her, damaging her armor even more.

Crusher: Raaah!

She lept towards Washington, who ducked under her and threw a punch at her stomach. She was suspended for a bit longer in the air, letting Washington position her cannons underneath her.

Washington: Goodnight

She fired every she'll she had loaded, covering the area in smoke. Eventually, it faded with Washington standing over an injured Crusher,

Washington: See Enty? All you need is to fight fire with fire!

Enterprise: I see that, but...

She summoned an arrow and pierced Crusher's skull, killing her.

Enterprise: Make sure you end the fight before gloating ok?

Washington: Heh, I guess you're right

Akagi: Well then...

They turned to the fox sisters.

Akagi: I'll be honest, I didn't expect this outcome

Washington: Well that's good, cause now I'll make one where your ass is in the ground!

Akagi: Those are challenging words there, but are you really in any position to fight me right now?

Washington: Maybe I am, Enty you stay out of this

Enterprise: Oh hell no, I'm sticking with you till the end!

Washington: And that's why you're my favorite!

Akagi: While this is touching, it isn't going to give you power to win. You may as well give up

Washington: And what if we don't?

Akagi: You can't defeat us, and you know that

Washington and Enterprise look past Akagi, and smirked.

Washington: I know we can't

Kaga: You at least recognize when you're outma-

Enterprise: But she can

She pointed to the sisters, who turned around and saw a metal wall. They looked up slightly and made direct eye contact with Großer Kurfürst.



Kurfürst: Ready to give up now?


Kaga: Yes?

Akagi: We're leaving

They surrounded themselves in Petals and vanished, as Kurfürst stood there and watched.

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