Thoughts of Strife

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Alpha: Will she be alright?

Purifier: Positive, the pods already healing her up nicely, she should be good to go in no time

The two high ranked Sirens were in front of the Empress's healing pod, watching as the tablet on the side read off her currently healed wounds.

2/5 ribs healed
Internal bleeding healed
Spine fully restored
Third degree burns across torso: 86% treated
Overall time until full restoration: 4 hours, 31 minutes

Alpha: How did she even survive this?

Purifier: I'm...not sure. I nearly died just from the crushed ribs she gave me, and the Empress doesn't have my regeneration either, so she just got extremely lucky

Observer Alpha didn't say a thing, turning away from the unconscious Empress and walking out of the room, leaving Purifier alone.


Purifier slowly walked over to a terminal, pressing a few buttons on it and bringing up a camera. It was looking into the infirmary at Pearl Harbor, watching Kurfürst.

Purifier: You...



She smashed a bit of the table, but the terminal was unaffected.

Purifier: You killed damn near killed her...

She looked back to Arbiter, who was slowly stitching back up.

Purifier: Why are you so infatuated with her? Just why?

Since the worst injury she had was a few small scratches, Kurfürst was released the next day after Vestal checked her condition. Walking outside, she notice the fully repaired base all around her.

Kurfürst: How in the hell?

She heard a hammer smacking down to her right, and saw several Manjuus rapidly fixing a building, far quicker than the humans did in the past.

Kurfürst: Those chickens just keep getting weirder and weirder...

She decided to leave them be, and walked away to the docks, where she saw the repairs being done to everyone's ships from yesterday's battle.

Down near the end, she saw Washington and Enterprise's ships, which were both in near perfect condition now.

Kurfürst:*smiles* Looks like Enterprise listened to me when I told her to settle down


She made her way down to the two ships, waving to the other shipgirls who waved back at her. When she finally got close, the two noticed her, jumping down from their ships and walking to her.

Washington:*smiles* It's good to see you up and around again auntie...are you-

Kurfürst: Feeling alright? I feel fine

Washington: Are you sure?

Kurfürst: Positive

Washington dropped the subject and looked over at Enterprise.

Washington: Sooo? You gonna do it?

Enterprise: I-I don't know what you're talking about

Washington: Aw, come on! You said you were gonna do it for her!

Kurfürst: Umm, what's she supposed to do?

Washington nudged Enterprise forward, as she slowly walked to Kurfürst, with a blushed face.


Kurfürst: Yes?

Enterprise reached into her jacket's pocket, slowly pulling out a bar of chocolate.

Kurfürst: I-is that?...

Enterprise:*embarrassed* I-I wanted to give this to a get well soon gift

She handed Kurfürst the bar, which she found was her favorite brand, Ritter Sport's milk chocolate.

Kurfürst: Aww, thanks Enty!

She gave her a hug, which Enterprise squirmed in a bit while Washington snickered in the back.

Kurfürst: Thanks for this chocolate. Now I have something to eat!

She let go of her taking the bar from her hand and putting it in the neck space of her armor, storing it for later.

Washington: Well, what are you going to do now?

Kurfürst: Now? Head back to Germany

Washington:*sigh* I knew you were going to say that, but do you think you're fit enough to sail?

Kurfürst: Do I look unhealthy to you?

Washington: No! It's went through a lot of energy yesterday

Kurfürst: And like I told you, I feel fine. There's nothing else to say about it

The two wanted to let her go, but something was off about how she spoke, almost like she was in a hurry or a rush.

Enterprise: Are you su-

Kurfürst:*grits teeth* Yes! I'm fine sweety!

They saw her eyes flash purple, as Washington summonses her rigging on instinct.


Kurfürst took a few deep breaths, opening her eyes and revealing her bright cyan orbs. She didn't say a single word as she walked past them and jumped into the ocean, walking away into the horizon.

Washington and Enterprise released the breath they didn't know they held.

Enterprise: That...was terrifying

Washington: It's even worse knowing what that beast inside her could do, worse still when you know what it did do

They looked out to the water, as Kurfürst faded into the horizon.

It was late at night, but she finally made landfall, especially happy about this after being out at sea for so long.

Kurfürst: I need to sleep, I'm exhausted

She dragged herself to her room, with no one knowing as the rest of the base was asleep. She fell into her bed after popping off the pieces of her armor, leaving the plates scattered everywhere.

She took the candy bar and ate it at a moderate pace, as she looked around her room.

Kurfürst: I should clean this tomorrow, freshening up this room is something to pass the time


Kurfürst: Empress...

She looked over to the crushed robot's arm,  eying it's palm.

Kurfürst:...Guess I have other plans tomorrow too

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